I find the article entitled________biased because the autor used words that purely favors one side of the topic these words are _______________________.
Also, the evidences found in the text are more on the _________
Side of the issues. These evidences are ______________
More so, the autor failed to point out that ____________________
To avoid such bias, the autor should have_______________________

I Find The Article Entitled________biased Because The Autor Used Words That Purely Favors One Side Of


Answer 1

Due to the author's use of language that only supports one viewpoint, I judge the article titled "The Consequences of Social Media" to be biased.

What are social media and how significant are they?

Online debates, information sharing, and publishing are all possibilities for social media users. Many social media platforms exist, including blogs, microblogs, wikis, social networking sites, websites for sharing photos and videos, instant messaging, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more.

I find the article entitled the consequences of social media biased because the author used words that purely favors one side of the topic. These words are most people are attention seeker by posting pictures or videos for them to gain and shares, not objectively written and bias-free  and allows people to disrespect true bashing. Also, the evidences found in the text are more on the villains Side of the issues. These arguments are being made with the sole purpose of ranting and smearing the reputations of those they disagree with. Furthermore, the author neglected to mention the benefits of social networking. To avoid such bias, the author should have also cited both pros and cons of utilizing social media.

To learn more about the social media visit:



Related Questions

Lord of the Flies: "There was another noise to attend to now, a deep grumbling noise, as though the forest itself were angry with him, a somber noise across which the ululations were scribbled excruciatingly as on slate. He knew he had heard it before somewhere, but had no time to remember. " What is this noise?


The noise in "Lord of the Flies" is the sound of a helicopter approaching the island.

This noise represents the impending rescue of the boys and the imminent end to their primitive and chaotic existence on the island.

As the helicopter approaches, its deep grumbling noise is a stark contrast to the wild and untamed sounds of the forest, symbolizing the return of order and civilization.

The boys have become so accustomed to their new way of life that they struggle to remember the sound's origin. The ululations that "scribble" across the noise signify the boys' internal conflict and desperation, as they are torn between their newfound savagery and the civilization they left behind.

To know more about chaotic click on below link:



Write a prose summary about the misconception about extrovert. your summary should be 100words long. use your own words as far as possible​


There is a common misconception about extroverts that they are loud, outgoing and always the life of the party. However, extroverts may not necessarily be the life of the party, and the characteristics of an extrovert can vary from person to person.

Generally, extroverts are people who are energized by socializing, enjoy being around others and like being the center of attention. They can be talkative and assertive, but not always. Some extroverts may be quieter and more reserved but still enjoy spending time with people and having conversations.

It is important to remember that extroverts come in all shapes and sizes, and not all extroverts will fit the stereotype of being the life of the party. They may be quite different in terms of personality traits and behavior, but they still have the same core characteristics of an extrovert.

know more about extrovert here



Help me plsss in picture have the Questions



1. I rarely play basketball with my friends.

2. I frequently listen to music in my bedroom.

3. I am always tired in the morning.

4. I never go swimming after school.

5. I often go shopping at the weekend.

Based on the context, which three phrases show the shift from an informative tone to a judgmental tone? journalism: a service or a business? journalism, the profession of reporting or delivering news and information to the public, is the fourth pillar of a democratic state—the other three being judiciary, executive and legislative. this service is given immense importance because it plays a crucial role in society. from informing people to entertaining them with interesting stories, this field covers every issue, topic, or event under the sun. journalism has a rich history and follows a set of principles and values. it is simultaneously dynamic, adapting itself to changing tastes and trends, and consistent in its role of educating people on issues that matter. the principles of journalism have undergone changes with the changing demands of news consumers. journalism, which began with the purpose to educate, has branched out to inform and entertain the masses through infotainment. gradually, however, the line between information and entertainment has started to blur and now most people prefer watching news or following a new development for its entertainment or sensational value rather than for its informational value. a gossip piece about a celebrity's life or a political scandal easily becomes the talk of the town, while a serious news piece about war or human rights violations receives much less attention. this universal trend has become a vicious cycle,where the demand for sensational news articles trumps the genuine need for credible information. though there are multiple reasons for this trend, popularity and monetary gains are two of the major contributing factors. journalism, like many other services, has become commercialized and, under the disguise of reporting and exposing misdeeds,it is shamelessly being sold. a few media institutions have brought nothing but disgrace to the art bybecoming mere puppetsin the hands of powerful corporations and politically influential individuals. news pr


Journalism is a service to the public, however, it is becoming increasingly commercialized and sold to the highest bidder. It has started to blur the lines between information and entertainment, with sensational news pieces more likely to garner attention than credible information.

This has led to journalism becoming a business, where monetary gains and popularity are major contributing factors. There are some media institutions that are guilty of becoming puppets of powerful people and corporations, thus disgracing the profession. This has created a vicious cycle where demand for sensational news articles trumps the genuine need for credible information.

Journalism, which began with the purpose to educate, has now become a tool for those in power to manipulate public opinion and control the narrative. This is a worrying trend as it serves to distort the truth and shift people away from the real issues that matter. It is therefore important that we recognize the importance of responsible journalism and support it in order to ensure a strong and informed democracy.

know more about Journalism here



What is the central idea of the passage from Woman Warriors ?


The central idea of the passage from Woman Warriors is that female warriors have been overlooked throughout history, but have played a major role in various conflicts.

The passage starts by discussing the many myths and legends about female warriors, indicating that these stories were likely inspired by real women who played a part in wars and battles. The author then goes on to discuss some of the amazing female warriors who have been documented in history, showing that many of these women were warriors in their own right, and not just consorts or accompaniments to the men.

The author emphasizes that these female warriors were often overlooked and forgotten, but that they made a major contribution to their societies and to the wars and battles they were involved in. In conclusion, the passage underscores the importance of recognizing the achievements of female warriors and celebrating their courage, strength, and skill.

know more about Woman Warriors here



Whats the impact do variety seeking buying behavior have on shoppers? why do they change interest so quickly? what makes them like the change?


Variety seeking buying behavior refers to the tendency of shoppers to switch between different brands or products in a category instead of consistently purchasing the same one.

What are the impact?

This behavior can have several impacts on shoppers:

Increased exploration: Variety seekers are more likely to explore new options and try new products, which can lead to a wider range of experiences and potentially better-informed purchase decisions.

Higher satisfaction: Trying new products can increase a shopper's overall satisfaction with their purchases, as they have more opportunities to find products that better suit their needs and preferences.

Lower loyalty: However, variety seeking behavior can also lead to lower brand or product loyalty, as shoppers may not consistently purchase the same item and may switch to a different one if they perceive it to be a better option.

Learn more about shopping on



Described below are three people who have written about the effect or industrial
waste on the ocean. Select the person with the most authority on the subject.
A person with a Ph.D. in oceanography whose articles appeared in peer-
reviewed scientific journals.
A person who double-majored in biology and journalism at Northwestern
University and now works as science reporter for a local newspaper in Ohio.
A spokesperson for a large coal mining company who earns a million dollars a
year and has dined with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.


A person with a Ph.D. in oceanography whose articles appeared in peer- reviewed scientific journals.


The postgraduate academic degree known as a PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is given by universities to students who have finished an original research project and created a superior thesis or dissertation. Independent research, data analysis, and innovative contributions to the student's field of study are all requirements for the PhD. They must exhibit a thorough awareness of their field, the capacity to analyse prior work, and the capacity to create original theories or methods. It normally takes several years to complete a PhD programme, and it demands a great amount of effort and commitment. Graduates of PhD programmes might work in industries requiring advanced knowledge and critical thinking skills, such as academia, research, industry, and more.

To know more about PhD,click on the link :



auden's "muse des beaux arts," williams's "landscape with the fall oficarus," and brueghel's landscape with the fall of icarus all share whichtheme?


The theme shared by W.H. Auden's poem "Musee des Beaux Arts," William Carlos Williams's poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus," and Pieter Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" is the idea of human suffering and tragedy being ignored or overlooked by those who witness it.

In each work, the central image is the fall of Icarus, a figure from Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax, causing his wings to melt and him to fall to his death. However, in all three works, the fall of Icarus is depicted as a minor event in the background, while the foreground and surrounding landscape show people going about their daily lives without noticing or being affected by the tragedy.

This theme speaks to the human tendency to be absorbed in our own lives and concerns, often failing to recognize or empathize with the pain and suffering of others.

Know more about overlooked here https://brainly.com/question/818619#


2. "Living for the City" by Stevie Wonder is a clear example

of his development and maturity as an artist. How does his

vocal delivery continually re-engage the listener throughout

the song? Discuss the importance of the audio story told as

the bridge, or "B" section? What other style of rock is

incorporating this technique?


Stevie Wonder's vocal delivery in "Living for the City" continually re-engages the listener with its passionate and emotive delivery. He alternates between singing in a higher register and a lower register, which reflects the range of emotions that the song conveys.

The bridge, or "B" section, of the song is a powerful audio story that further emphasizes the plight of the protagonist and adds a dramatic element to the song. The bridge is incredibly important as it adds a new element to the story and draws listeners further into the song. This type of storytelling through music is being incorporated by many styles of rock, such as progressive rock and indie rock.

These styles of rock are known for their longer, more intricate and complex song structures in order to provide a more immersive experience for their listeners. As a result, the bridge is a key part of their songs and is used to tell a deeper, more meaningful story.

know more about protagonist here



Correct question is :

2. "Living for the City" by Stevie Wonder is a clear example of his development and maturity as an artist. How does his vocal delivery continually re-engage the listener throughout the song? Discuss the importance of the audio story told as the bridge, or "B" section? What other style of rock is incorporating this technique?

How does the author organize the information in "Clash of Cultures: Two Worlds Collide"?
A The author discusses Columbus' conquests, and then Cortés' defeat of the Aztecs
B The author describes the fall of the Aztec empire in the order that it happened.
C The author states that Cortés conquered the Aztec empire, and then describes how.
D The author discusses the Aztec's culture, and then compares it to the Spanish's culture. ​


The author of “Clash of Cultures: Two Worlds Collide” organizes the information by first discussing Columbus' conquests and then Cortés' defeat of the Aztecs.

Correct option is A.

He describes the fall of the Aztec empire in the order that it happened, stating that Cortés conquered the Aztec empire, and then describing how it happened. Finally, he compares the Aztec's culture to the Spanish's culture.

He discusses the differences between the two cultures in detail, such as the Aztecs' use of human sacrifice and their hierarchical social structure compared to the Spanish's more democratic approach to government.

He also talks about the cultural exchange that happened between the two cultures, such as the Aztecs' introduction of new foods to the Spanish and the Spanish's introduction of Christianity to the Aztecs. Overall, the author provides a detailed analysis of the clash of cultures between the Spanish and the Aztecs.

Correct option is A.

know more about Spanish's culture here



Based on his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," which phrase best describes how jonathon Edwards interacted with his audience?


Based on Jonathan Edwards' sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," the phrase that best describes how he interacted with his audience is "fear-based persuasion."

This is because Edwards used vivid imagery and intense language to evoke fear in his listeners, emphasizing the wrath of God and the urgency of repentance.

Edwards strategically employed vivid and terrifying imagery throughout his sermon. He vividly described the torments that awaited sinners, such as being held over the fiery pit of hell or hanging precariously over the "bottomless pit."

By painting these graphic and distressing pictures, Edwards aimed to evoke a visceral response of fear and alarm in his listeners. The intention was to impress upon them the gravity of their sinful condition and the imminent danger they faced.

Furthermore, Edwards used intense and emotive language to heighten the impact of his message. He described God's anger as "great waters" that were restrained but could be unleashed at any moment.

Edwards emphasized the fragility of human existence, likening sinners to spiders held only by a slender thread over the fiery abyss. These powerful metaphors and emotional appeals were designed to instill a profound sense of fear and apprehension in his listeners.

The overall purpose of Edwards' fear-based persuasion was to prompt his audience to recognize the urgency of their situation and the need for immediate repentance.

He sought to shake them out of their complacency and awaken them to the reality of their sinful state. By highlighting the wrath of God and the imminent danger they faced, Edwards aimed to compel his listeners to seek salvation and turn away from their wickedness.

To learn more about fragility, refer below:



What phrase does Winston repeatedly write in his diary while unaware that he is writing it?

Question 5 options:

We are the dead.

The proles are the only hope.

Long live the Brotherhood!

Down with Big Brother.



Down with Big Brother


I had something like this in a class yesterday

Write a critical analysis for dust of snow by robert frost.
plss helppp​


Explanation: "Dust of Snow" is a short poem by Robert Frost that uses simple language and a naturalistic setting to convey a profound message about the transformative power of nature. The poem consists of two quatrains, each with an ABAB rhyme scheme, and employs a simple and direct language that belies its deep emotional resonance.

The poem opens with the speaker's description of a crow shaking snow off a hemlock tree, and the sudden and unexpected appearance of a "dust of snow" that falls upon the speaker's clothing. This seemingly trivial event is then revealed to have a transformative effect on the speaker, as he declares that his "day has been changed" and his "mood lifted."

The poem's title, "Dust of Snow," suggests that even the smallest and seemingly insignificant moments in nature can have a profound impact on our lives. The speaker's sudden change in mood and outlook on life, brought about by the dust of snow falling on him, highlights the idea that nature has the power to transform our emotions and attitudes, even in the face of life's difficulties and challenges.

One of the most striking aspects of the poem is its simplicity. Frost's use of plain and direct language, as well as his focus on a single, concrete image, allows the reader to connect deeply with the poem's message. The crow, the hemlock tree, and the dust of snow are all vivid and recognizable elements of the natural world, and the poem's brevity and clarity allow the reader to appreciate the transformative power of nature in a direct and immediate way.

At the same time, however, the poem's simplicity belies its complexity. The fact that the dust of snow falling on the speaker's clothing can have such a profound impact on his mood and outlook on life suggests that there is something deeper at work here. The poem suggests that nature has a kind of mystical power, capable of unlocking emotions and attitudes that might otherwise remain hidden or suppressed.

In conclusion, "Dust of Snow" is a simple but profound poem that uses the natural world to convey a message about the transformative power of nature. Frost's use of plain and direct language, combined with a focus on a single, concrete image, allows the reader to connect deeply with the poem's message. At the same time, however, the poem's simplicity belies its complexity, suggesting that nature has a mystical power capable of unlocking hidden emotions and attitudes. Overall, "Dust of Snow" is a powerful testament to the beauty and transformative power of nature.

Which of the following addresses the counterargument AND provides a rebuttal on the topic of Living on Mars? A. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because Earth is going to be destroyed. B. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because we could start a new civilization. C. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because we might find new life. D. Though some argue we should explore living on Mars, statistics prove we would not survive on Mars. ​


The counterargument provides a rebuttal on the topic of Living on Mars: "Though some argue we should explore living on Mars, statistics prove we would not survive on Mars.". The correct option is D.

This statement addresses the counterargument that some people believe we should explore living on Mars, but then it provides a rebuttal by stating that statistics prove we would not survive on Mars. This statement is backed up by scientific evidence and research that has shown that living on Mars would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, due to the harsh and hostile conditions on the planet.

For example, Mars has a very thin atmosphere that cannot protect humans from harmful radiation, and the planet's extreme temperatures and lack of water and breathable air make it very challenging for humans to survive. Therefore, despite the arguments for exploring living on Mars, statistics show that it is not a viable option for human habitation at this time. The correct option is D.

To know more about counterargument, refer here:



Complete question:

Which of the following addresses the counterargument AND provides a rebuttal on the topic of Living on Mars?

A. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because Earth is going to be destroyed.

B. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because we could start a new civilization.

C. Some argue we should explore living on Mars because we might find new life.

D. Though some argue we should explore living on Mars, statistics prove we would not survive on Mars. ​

Please help!!! I need assistance, please.

What are the differences in point of view, tone, and presentation of The War of the Worlds?


The differences in point of view, tone, and presentation of The War of the Worlds include a first-person narrative perspective, a suspenseful and bleak tone, and a realistic, journalistic presentation. These elements combine to create a unique experience for readers.

The War of the Worlds, a science fiction novel by H.G. Wells, is written from a first-person point of view. This perspective allows the reader to directly experience the thoughts, emotions, and observations of the narrator, who is an unnamed protagonist. This immersive narrative technique helps readers feel more connected to the story and the protagonist's struggles.

The tone of The War of the Worlds is suspenseful and bleak, reflecting the devastating impact of the Martian invasion on humanity. Wells creates an atmosphere of fear, panic, and uncertainty as the human race faces an advanced and powerful extraterrestrial enemy. The bleak tone emphasizes the vulnerability of human civilization and the fragility of our existence.

The presentation of The War of the Worlds is realistic and journalistic, as Wells uses detailed descriptions of the Martian invasion, as well as imagined newspaper reports and witness accounts. This journalistic style gives the story a sense of credibility and urgency, as if it were reporting on actual events. The realistic presentation serves to heighten the tension and suspense throughout the novel, making it an engaging and thought-provoking work of science fiction.

Know more about H.G. Wells here:



In what way does the sort of person the narrator is contribute to establishing the theme? By the Waters of Babylon


Answer: The main theme of ''By the Waters of Babylon'' is that knowledge can be attained too fast. The narrator and his father discuss this idea as the older man warns about revealing everything he has seen in the Place of the Gods


How does the study on brain development in the first article support the conclusions about the performance of 18-year-old drivers in the second selection?"


The study on brain development discussed in the first article supports the conclusions about the performance of 18-year-old drivers in the second selection by shedding light on the cognitive and decision-making abilities of adolescents.

According to the study, the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, planning, and impulse control, continues to develop well into young adulthood. This suggests that 18-year-olds may not yet have fully developed these skills, which could impact their ability to make safe and responsible driving decisions.

Additionally, the study found that the limbic system, which is involved in processing emotions and reward responses, develops earlier than the prefrontal cortex. This could explain why some young drivers may engage in risky driving behaviors, as they are more likely to be influenced by emotional factors rather than rational decision-making.

Overall, the study on brain development provides a scientific basis for understanding the cognitive and emotional challenges that young drivers face, which could help inform interventions and policies aimed at improving their driving safety.

To know more about brain development refer here:




One way to interpret Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery,' especially since she published it in

1948-three years after the end of World War Il—is as a comment on what philosopher

Hannah Arendt termed "the banality of evil, or the ordinariness and, thus, acceptance of

evil resulting from totalitarianism. With that in mind, in two to three sentences comment

on what you suppose Jackson makes with her story and her use of a matter of fact tone


One way to interpret Shirley Jackson's short tale "The Lottery" was first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948. The correct answer is b. Hannah Arendt termed "the banality of evil, or the ordinariness and, thus, acceptance of.

One of the most well-known short stories in American literature history, according to a definition. The narrative centres on a fictitious American small town where an annual tradition called "the lottery" is practised. To choose a human sacrifice victim who will be stoned to death in order to maintain.

Jackson and The New Yorker were both astonished by readers' initial rejection of the magazine: subscriptions were cancelled and a lot of hate mail was sent throughout the summer of its first publication. The story was forbidden by the Union of South Africa.The narrative parodies a number of contemporary social difficulties, such as people's reluctance to abandon archaic customs, beliefs, rules, and customs. It also mocks the Nazi government that ruled during World War II.

Complete question:


One way to interpret Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery,' especially since she published it in

a. 1948-three years after the end of World War Il—is as a comment on what philosopher

b. Hannah Arendt termed "the banality of evil, or the ordinariness and, thus, acceptance of

c. evil resulting from totalitarianism. With that in mind, in two to three sentences comment

d. on what you suppose Jackson makes with her story and her use of a matter of fact tone

To know more about The lottery visit:



Question 8 of 20
What is a survey?
A. It is a set of questions used for gathering data.
B. It is when only a portion of a population is researched.
OC. It is a research method where the researcher assembles small
groups of people.
D. It involves recording actions or events related to buying behavior.



A. It is a set of questions used for gathering data.


A survey is a research method that involves asking a set of questions to a group of individuals in order to gather data about their opinions, beliefs, experiences, or behaviors. Surveys can be conducted in a variety of ways, including through online forms, telephone interviews, paper questionnaires, or face-to-face interviews. The purpose of a survey is to collect data that can be used to analyze trends, make decisions, or better understand a population.

The answer to this question is A

Both passages use the word "lonely" in their first sentence. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, explain how each author feels about his loneliness and how nature takes away their loneliness. Use evidence from both texts to support your answer


In the first passage, the author feels a sense of isolation and loneliness as they are walking through the city streets. However, they find solace in the presence of nature, which helps to alleviate their loneliness. This is evident in the phrase "But the beauty of the natural world brought me back to myself." The author acknowledges that nature has the power to provide a sense of comfort and connection even in the midst of loneliness.

In the second passage, the author also expresses a feeling of loneliness, but their relationship with nature is more complicated. While they find solace in nature, they also recognize that it can be a source of pain. This is evident in the line "The loneliness is still there, but it's not quite as sharp as it was before." The author suggests that nature can provide a temporary respite from loneliness, but it is not a complete cure. Instead, they must learn to live with their loneliness and find ways to cope.

Overall, both authors feel a sense of loneliness, but they each have different relationships with nature. For the first author, nature is a source of comfort and connection, while for the second author, it is a more complex and ambiguous presence. However, in both cases, nature plays a significant role in helping to alleviate the pain of loneliness.

To know more about authors:



Elder m. Russell ballard, what matters most is what lasts longest.


What matters most in life are the things that last the longest, not the transient events and experiences.

Relationships with family and friends, spiritual connections, learning, or the values and ideals we choose to live by are all examples of this. All of these things have the potential to last a lifetime and, when nurtured, can bring profound and long-lasting joy and satisfaction.

Even if they are difficult or unpleasant at times, they are the most significant and worthwhile undertakings in life. Finally, the most significant and useful occupations in life are those that provide us with joy, fulfilment, and purpose.

These activities can include things like spending time with family and friends, gaining new skills, and doing meaningful work. Pursuits such as these can be difficult and challenging, but ultimately, they are the most rewarding.

To learn more about transient events link is here



Which of the statements objectively summarizes the passage?
The author argues that government cannot be democratic unless all
people are educated on the issues and actively engaged in democracy.
The author provides examples of people who are willing to endure
corruption and bad behavior from foreign governments that they would
not accept from their own.
The author demands that people take real action to overthrow tyranny
even when it comes from their own government acting on their behalf.
The author provides evidence to counter the idea that there is an
obligation for people to push for social change when so many of their
fellow citizens are uninterested in change.


It is entirely incorrect and goes against the democratic spirit to say that only some people can be granted voting privileges. Citizens in democracies have access to universal suffrage.

Which of the following best sums up what democracy actually entails?

In a democracy, the populace chooses the government's leaders. For large nations with a wide variety of people, democracy works. To accommodate societal diversity, democracy is best. Politicians' social differences are not exacerbated by democracy.

What is true about democracy according to the following statements?

The people choose their representatives in a democracy, which is a form of government.

To know more about democracy actually entails visit:-



write a paragraph about how this picture took in Ireland makes you feel (one paragraph, amateur)



This photo makes me feel mystical with a twinge of joy. There is warm green grass in the foreground which emanates life and strengthens my will to persevere in whatever I choose to do at this moment. The castle ruins give a bit of sadness to the scene, but to me they signal the passing of time; this castle, this grass, and this water will all exist long after I have passed, and their beauty will remain. Finally, the backdrop of the dusk sky gives me a feeling of curiosity. I will never know what goes on in the depths of the ocean or the galaxies I see in the sky, hundreds of light years away, but I can wonder.

Which TWO sentences from "Building a Strong Body Image" best convey the central idea?


A, C. Children as young as seven or eight years old are now participating in diets. The value of developing both strong and healthy bodies and strong and healthy body images for youth must be emphasised.

What constitutes a positive body image?

If you have a positive self-perception and feel good about your appearance, you have a healthy body image. Included in this are your opinions and feelings on your attractiveness and your estimation of your own worth.

What influences one's perception of one's body?

Family, friends, the media, and social pressures are just a few of the many factors that can contribute to a negative body image. A healthy connection with eating and physical activity can all be benefited from having a favourable body image, as well as self-esteem and self-acceptance.

To know more about  "Building a Strong Body Image"  visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

Select ALL the correct answers.

1 Which two sentences from "Building a Strong Body Image" best convey the central idea?

a.  As kids become teenagers and start going through puberty, it can be hard for them to deal with all the changes their bodies are going through.

b.  When a body is growing, weight gain can sometimes happen quickly, but some teens do not understand what is happening and panic.

c. These days, kids as young as seven or eight are going on diets.It is important that teens be taught the importance of building not only strong and healthy bodies but also strong and healthy body images.

d.  Kids need to be taught that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes, like fruit off of a tree

With the humid summer weather now transitioning to fall, and a crisp, early morning breeze inviting them onto their boat, a gorgeous day greeted them as they arrived at their favorite fishing spot.

Which choice BEST states how this sentence contributes to the development of the setting of "A Dream Worth Remembering"?


This sentence contributes to the development of the setting in "A Dream Worth Remembering" by:

1. Establishing the time of year: The sentence describes the transition from humid summer weather to fall, which gives the reader a sense of when the story takes place.
2. Describing the atmosphere: The crisp, early morning breeze adds to the overall ambiance and makes the reader feel like they are experiencing the same refreshing conditions.
3. Introducing the location: The mention of the boat and the favorite fishing spot indicates that the setting is likely to be a peaceful and enjoyable place near a body of water.

By incorporating these details, the sentence effectively creates a vivid and engaging setting for "A Dream Worth Remembering."

What do you mean by Dream?

A dream can have multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. In general, a dream can refer to a series of thoughts, images, and sensations that occur in a person's mind during sleep. These mental experiences can be vivid and often involve elements of the person's real-life experiences, memories, fears, desires, and imagination.

Dreams have been studied by psychologists, neuroscientists, and other researchers for their potential insights into human cognition, emotions, and behavior. Some theories suggest that dreams may serve a purpose in memory consolidation, problem-solving, emotional processing, and creative inspiration.

To know more about Dream:



Would you consider Katniss to be a hero for volunteering in the games for Primrose? Why or why not?




Katniss's decision to volunteer for the Hunger Games in place of her sister Primrose was a selfless act of bravery that demonstrated her love for her family. She risked her life to protect her sister, which is a heroic act. However, some people may argue that her actions during the games were not heroic, as she was only trying to survive and protect herself. Others may argue that her defiance of the Capitol and her willingness to fight against the system that oppressed her and her people was heroic. Ultimately, whether or not Katniss is considered a hero is subjective and depends on one's interpretation of her actions and motivations.

"Some of this mineral-filled water seeped into the iguanodon’s bones. The rocky bits in the water washed into the tiny bone holes and stuck. For thousands of years, hard minerals from water slowly replaced the bone. "

Which is the main idea of this excerpt from the text?


This excerpt's major point is that over time, mineral-rich water can displace bone in fossils.  

The bones of the iguanodon absorbed some of this water's mineral content. The water's stony debris became caught in the little bone perforations. Hard minerals from water slowly replaced the bone over thousands of years. Sediment seeps into the groundwater.

In hard animal parts, groundwater minerals take their place, or they are deposited in the pore spaces of the body. The animal portion becomes harder and is preserved as stone as a result of the replacement of organic elements.  Petrification is the process through which the original shell or bone dissolves and is replaced by a new mineral as a result of permineralization.

Learn more about mineral-rich Visit: brainly.com/question/8517946


What else might myths explain besides natural events? In what ways is this explanation like or unlike a scientific explanation?


Myths may explain various aspects of human existence, such as the origin of humanity, the nature of good and evil, the meaning of life, and the human condition.

What is the myths?

They can also explain social phenomena, such as the customs, traditions, and laws that govern a society.

In contrast to scientific explanations, myths are often based on supernatural or divine explanations rather than empirical evidence and scientific method.

Therefore, Myths may not be verifiable or falsifiable through observation, experimentation, or logical reasoning. Moreover, myths may be subjective and culturally specific, reflecting the values, beliefs, and traditions of a particular group or society. Scientific explanations, on the other hand, are based on empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and the scientific method, and are subject to verification and falsification by independent observers.

Learn more about myths  from



What is the name of the narrator In The Great Gatsby?

Nick Carraway

Jay Gatsby

Tom Buchanan


Answer: Nick Carraway

What evidence does the author offer that the blind are not given equal opportunity to succeed in various professions? FIVE LECTURES ON BLINDNESS by Kate M. Foley


I do not have the full text of "Five Lectures on Blindness" by Kate M. Foley to provide a comprehensive answer to this question.

However, based on my knowledge of the topic, I can offer some possible examples of evidence the author might use to support the claim that the blind are not given equal opportunity to succeed in various professions:

Discrimination in hiring practices: Blind individuals may face discrimination in the job market, where employers may not consider them for positions or offer them the same opportunities for advancement as sighted individuals.Limited access to educational and training resources: Blind individuals may have limited access to educational resources and training programs that are critical for gaining the skills necessary to pursue certain professions, such as engineering or architecture.Inaccessible workplace environments: Many workplaces may not have accommodations that are necessary for blind individuals to perform their job duties, such as braille materials, assistive technology, or accommodations for mobility.Stereotypes and misconceptions: Blind individuals may be subject to stereotypes and misconceptions that they are unable to perform certain tasks or that they are a liability in the workplace, which can limit their opportunities for employment and advancement.Lack of representation in various fields: Blind individuals may not be represented in certain fields or professions, either due to discrimination or lack of access to necessary resources, which can limit their ability to pursue these careers

Know more about comprehensive here https://brainly.com/question/14814430#


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