How would you expect a Species Survival Plan to affect the crested toad
population in Puerto Rico?
A. It would lead to the extinction of crested toads due to water
B. It would lead to the successful reintroduction of crested toads into
the wild.
OC. It would cause most crested toads to die due to invasive species.
D. It would cause the death of some crested toads due to habitat


Answer 1

It would lead to the successful reintroduction of crested toads into the wild. The correct option is B

What is Species Survival Plan ?

A Species Survival Plan (SSP) is a program designed to manage and conserve the genetic diversity of endangered or threatened species in captivity.

Therefore, Option B, "It would lead to the successful reintroduction of crested toads into the wild," is the most likely outcome of a Species Survival Plan for the crested toad population in Puerto Rico. While there may be challenges such as invasive species and habitat loss that could impact the success of the reintroduction efforts, the goal of the SSP is to help increase the population of the crested toad and prevent their extinction.

Learn more about Species Survival Plan here :


Related Questions

The process of bulk flow transports fluids in a plant. Describe the two main bulk flow processes



Two main types of bulk-flow transports are; transpiration and translocation


In general, translocation is a bidirectional transportation process whereas transpiration is a unidirectional mechanism.

Which of the following statements regarding granite is true?
A. Granite is a rock composed of organic material.
B. Granite is both a mineral and a rock.
C. Granite is a rock with a non-repeating arrangement of atoms. D. Granite is a naturally formed mineral.


The statement that is true regarding granite is as follows: Granite is both a mineral and a rock (option B).

What is granite?

Granite is a group of igneous and plutonic rocks composed primarily of feldspar and quartz. It usually contains one or more dark minerals, which may be mica, pyroxene, or amphibole.

Granite is quarried for building stone, road gravel, decorative stone, and tombstones and it's common colors are gray, white, pink, and yellow-brown.

Because it contains a combination of rocks and minerals, option B is correct.

Learn more about granite at:


6. Farm animal waste is often piped into
where it remains for up to
and can contain a variety of substances including ammonia,
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, heavy metals, hormones, and harmful pathogens such as e.Coli.
a. Manure/anaerobic lagoons, six months
b. Waste treatment facilities, two weeks
c. Manure/anaerobic lagoons, two weeks
d. Waste treatment facilities, six months


Manure/anaerobic lagoons are often used to store farm animal waste, where it can remain for up to six months. Waste can contain a wide variety of substances, including ammonia, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, heavy metals, hormones, and dangerous infections like E. coli.

Animal feces and other organic matter produced by farm animals farmed for food or other reasons are called farm animal waste. Feces, urine, bedding, feed and other organic matter are examples of this waste. It is often collected and placed in storage for later use as fertilizer or disposed of in a variety of ways, such as spreading it over fields or placing it in lagoons.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about farm animal waste, here:


A grassland ecosystem experiences an especially rainy year. During the same
year, the rabbit population in the grassland increases sharply. What is the
most likely reason for this increase?

A. The ecosystem's carrying capacity is lower, so fewer rabbits have
immigrated and more have died.
B. The ecosystem's carrying capacity is higher, so fewer rabbits have
been born and more have emigrated.
C. The ecosystem's carrying capacity is lower, so more rabbits have
emigrated and fewer have been born.
D. The ecosystem's carrying capacity is higher, so more rabbits have
been born and fewer have died.


Answer: C.


The ecosystem's carrying capacity is lower, so more rabbits have

emigrated and fewer have been born.

How can we help discuss how we can help people affected by Neurofibromatosis?



Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system, causing the growth of tumors on nerve tissue throughout the body. While there is currently no cure for NF, there are several ways that we can help people affected by this condition:

Raising awareness: One of the most important things we can do is to raise awareness about NF, its symptoms, and the challenges faced by people living with the condition. This can help to reduce stigma and increase understanding and support for those affected by NF.

Providing emotional support: People with NF may face physical and emotional challenges, such as pain, disfigurement, and social isolation. Providing emotional support through counseling, peer support groups, and other resources can help them cope with these challenges.

Access to medical care: People with NF require specialized medical care to manage their condition, such as regular monitoring of tumors, surgery to remove tumors that are causing problems, and treatment of other medical issues that may arise. Providing access to high-quality medical care can help to improve outcomes and quality of life for people with NF.

Advocacy: Advocating for policies and legislation that support people with NF can also help to improve their lives. This may include funding for research into treatments and cures, increased access to healthcare, and anti-discrimination laws to protect the rights of people with disabilities.

Support for research: Research is essential to develop new treatments and cures for NF. Supporting research efforts through donations and advocacy can help to accelerate progress in this field.

In summary, helping people affected by NF requires a multi-faceted approach that includes raising awareness, providing emotional support, ensuring access to medical care, advocating for policy changes, and supporting research efforts. By working together, we can improve the lives of those affected by this condition and move closer to a cure.


There are several ways in which we can help people affected by Neurofibromatosis.

What is Neurofibromatosis?

Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that affects the development and growth of nerve cell tissues.

To help people affected by Neurofibromatosis, we can raise awareness, support research, provide emotional support, and promote inclusion.

Raising awareness involves educating people about the symptoms and treatment options while supporting research can lead to better understanding and treatment.

Providing emotional support can help individuals cope with the challenges they face, and promoting inclusion can help fight stigma and discrimination.

A multifaceted approach is required to help those affected by Neurofibromatosis.

More on Neurofibromatosis can be found here:


What are xylem?
What does xylem carry?
Explain how the structure of xylem helps withstand low pressure.
Explain how active uptake of minerals causes water absorption by osmosis.
What is transpiration?
Explain how adhesion and cohesion helps maintain the transpiration stream.
What factors affect the rate of transpiration?
How can the rate of transpiration be measured?
Describe an experiment to test how one factor affects the rate of transpiration.
What is Casparian Strip?
Describe the apoplastic and symplastic pathways that water can take from the roots.
What are xerophytes and how are they adapted?
Explain how they are adapted.
What are halophytes and how are they adapted?




Xylem are specialized plant tissues that transport water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of the plant. The primary function of xylem is to provide structural support to the plant and maintain its water balance.

Xylem carries water, dissolved minerals, and nutrients from the roots to the leaves of the plant.

The structure of xylem helps withstand low pressure because it is composed of hollow, dead cells that are strengthened by lignin. The walls of xylem cells are thickened, providing support and preventing the collapse of the xylem tubes.

Active uptake of minerals causes water absorption by osmosis. The mineral ions are actively transported from the soil into the root cells, creating a concentration gradient that causes water to move into the roots by osmosis.

Transpiration is the loss of water vapor from the leaves and other aerial parts of the plant. Transpiration helps plants absorb nutrients and minerals from the soil and maintain their temperature.

Adhesion and cohesion help maintain the transpiration stream. Adhesion is the attraction of water molecules to the walls of the xylem vessels, while cohesion is the attraction of water molecules to each other. Together, adhesion and cohesion create a continuous column of water that is drawn up through the xylem vessels.

Factors that affect the rate of transpiration include temperature, humidity, wind, and light intensity.

The rate of transpiration can be measured using a potometer, which measures the amount of water absorbed by a plant over time.

An experiment to test how one factor affects the rate of transpiration could involve exposing different plants to varying levels of humidity and measuring their transpiration rates.

The Casparian strip is a waterproof layer that surrounds the roots of plants, preventing the uncontrolled flow of water and nutrients into the plant.

Water can take two pathways from the roots to the other parts of the plant: the apoplastic pathway, which involves movement through cell walls and extracellular spaces, and the symplastic pathway, which involves movement through the cytoplasm of cells.

Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to survive in arid or dry environments. They are adapted to conserve water through features like reduced leaf size and thick cuticles.

Halophytes are plants that are adapted to grow in saline or salty environments. They are adapted to deal with high salt concentrations through features like salt glands and the exclusion of salt from their roots.


Your teacher says that stable ecosystems stay relatively
constant until changing conditions result in a new
Which statement supports this claim?
OA. Populations in a stable ecosystem are constantly changing in size
until new conditions make them permanent.
OB. Populations in an ecosystem are constantly changing until they
are made stable by changing conditions.
OC. Populations in a stable ecosystem stay exactly the same until they
are made unstable.
D. Populations in a stable ecosystem maintain their size until new
conditions no longer support them.


Stable ecosystems stay relatively constant until changing conditions result in a new

ecosystem. Hence option d supports this claim.

Even with variations, the population size in an ecosystem tends to remain pretty consistent. However, a few factors will have an impact on the population sizes shown in the table below. Growth depends on factors including temperature, pH, and mineral nutrients.

Resilience and resistance are the two main factors that contribute to ecological stability. The capacity of an ecosystem to maintain stability in the face of a disruption is known as resistance. The rate of an ecosystem's recovery following a disruption is known as resilience.

To know about ecosystem


Where in the female reproductive system does the egg meet the sperm and become fertilized?


The egg meets the sperm and becomes fertilized in the fallopian tubes, which are located on either side of the uterus. After ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube, they may fertilize the egg, resulting in the formation of a zygote. The zygote will then continue to travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus, where it may implant and develop into a fetus.


The egg and sperm meet and fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system. After an egg is released from the ovary during ovulation, it travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube, they may fertilize the egg as it travels towards the uterus. Once fertilized, the egg then continues its journey towards the uterus, where it may implant and develop into a pregnancy.

16 Which of the following provides evidence that objects draw energy from the systems around them? F Storms often occur when an area has experienced high heat and high humidity. G Hurricanes form and strengthen over warmer water but lose energy over cocter water. H Thunderstorms can release massive amounts of energy in the form of lightning bolts. J Although tornadoes can be extremely destructive, most do not last more than ten minutes.​


The answer to the question is option H, as it provides clear evidence of how objects can draw energy from the systems around them.

When answering questions on Brainly, it is important to always be factually accurate, professional, and friendly. Answers should be concise and not provide extraneous amounts of detail. Typos or irrelevant parts of the question should be ignored.

Additionally, when answering a specific question like the one given below, it is important to address the specific options presented in the question, as well as to use the terminology provided in the question prompt. In this case, the answer to the question is option H:

Thunderstorms can release massive amounts of energy in the form of lightning bolts. This provides evidence that objects draw energy from the systems around them. Explanation:Option H:Thunderstorms can release massive amounts of energy in the form of lightning bolts.

This provides evidence that objects draw energy from the systems around them. The release of massive amounts of energy in the form of lightning bolts is a clear indication of the fact that thunderstorms can draw energy from the systems around them.

Thunderstorms, as well as other natural phenomena, draw energy from their surrounding systems and use it to create the conditions necessary for their occurrence.

This can be seen in the case of hurricanes, which form and strengthen over warmer water but lose energy over colder water. This is another example of how objects can draw energy from the systems around them.

To learn more about : energy


what are
two positive and two negative effects of land use by humans.


Answer: Positive:

1. Keep humans alive

2. Adequate food


1. pollution

2. over population


What is phloem?
What does it phloem carry?
Explain the function of sieve tubes and their association with companion cells.
What is translocation?
Explain how pressure and water potential aid translocation.
How can aphid stylets be used to measure phloem transport rates?
How can radioactively-labeled CO2 be used to measure phloem transport rates?




Phloem is a specialized tissue in vascular plants that is responsible for the transport of organic compounds, such as sugars, amino acids, and hormones, from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

Phloem carries organic nutrients and hormones, produced by photosynthesis or other metabolic processes, from the leaves to the other parts of the plant, such as roots, stems, and flowers.

Sieve tubes are specialized cells found in phloem tissue that form a series of connected tubes for transporting nutrients throughout the plant. Companion cells are specialized cells that are adjacent to sieve tubes and provide them with metabolic support.

Translocation is the process by which organic compounds are transported through the phloem from the source to the sink. The source is typically the leaf, where sugars and other organic compounds are produced, while the sink is any other part of the plant where the compounds are used or stored, such as roots, stems, or flowers.

Translocation is facilitated by pressure and water potential gradients created by the active transport of sugars and other organic compounds from the source to the sink. As sugars are actively transported into the phloem, water follows by osmosis, creating a pressure gradient that moves the organic compounds toward the sink.

Aphid stylets can be used to measure phloem transport rates by inserting them into the phloem tissue and measuring the flow rate of the sap. This technique is commonly used in plant physiology research.

Radioactively-labelled CO2 can be used to measure phloem transport rates by exposing the source leaf to radioactively-labelled CO2 and then measuring the accumulation of the radioactive compounds in the sink tissue. This technique is used to track the movement of specific compounds through the phloem and to determine the rate of translocation.


Marsh grasses

Which statement correctly describes the transfer of energy in a food chain in this
F Energy is transferred from hawks to shrews to grasshoppers to marsh grasses.
G Energy is transferred from marsh grasses to crickets to hawks to frogs.
H Energy is transferred from grasshoppers to crickets to frogs to hawks.
J Energy is transferred from cattails to crickets to shrews to hawks.


Energy is transferred from cattails to crickets to shrews to hawks in this wetland food chain (option j).

In a wetland ecosystem, energy is transferred through a food chain consisting of producers and consumers. Cattails, being plants, are the producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.

Crickets, as herbivores, consume the cattails, obtaining energy in the process. Shrews, being small insectivores, prey on crickets, gaining energy from them.

Finally, hawks, as apex predators, feed on shrews, acquiring the energy that has passed through the food chain. Thus, the correct statement is J, describing energy transfer from cattails to crickets to shrews to hawks.

For more such questions on Energy, click on:


Why don’t plants need excretory organs



Plants absorb essential nutrients from the soil, hence they lack excretory organs. Particulate matter is not taken as these lack mouths.


Organisms like animals have an advanced and specialized system for excretion. But plants lack a well-developed excretory system like that in animals. They do not have special organs for excretion. Thus, excretion in plants is not so complex.

2. Summarize the evidence you have gathered to support your claim and explain
Microscopic organisms be so important for life on Earth




to live

Help please, view attachment



The answer is C. This model is showing Fusion, when two smaller particles combine and create one big particle, and there always has to be a release of a neutron

HELP ME PLEASE Write two sentences to explain what taxes are???
(there's no passage)



Taxes are the money that people pay to the government.


Name one type of plant cell that has holes in it to allow substances to flow through.


Phloem cells
Phloem vessels are made up of columns of living cells. The end walls of phloem cells contain small holes to allow food products to move up and down the phloem vessels.

4. Identify Patterns. Scientists studying great white sharks estimate that a population of 15,000 seals supports fewer than 100 sharks during the summer. What conclusion can you draw about the relationship of energy flow and the number of top-level consumers? Explain.​


The link between energy flow and the number of top-level consumers in an ecosystem is illustrated by the modest number of great white sharks in proportion to the enormous number of seals in this scenario.

What is the conclusion?

Seals are the main eaters in this ecosystem, consuming plankton and tiny fish from lower trophic levels. The highest tier of consumers, great white sharks eat seals.

The amount of energy available to the following trophic level declines as energy moves up the food chain. This is brought on by energy losses from respiration, waste, and improper digestion.

Learn more about consumers:


The following is an illustration of a hypothetical immunoglobulin (IG) light chain genomic locus:
-----V 1 ---V 2 ---V 3 ---V 4 ---V 5 ---J1 ---J2 ---J3 ---J4 ---C----------

(V: Variable segment, J: Joining segment, C: Constant segment. Note: The letters represent exons, and the dashes represent introns & intergenic regions)
If the desired immunoglobulin light chain mRNA is V 2 J2 C what is the DNA sequence of the light chain locus after somatic recombination? Draw the sequence using the above illustration as the reference


The illustration as the reference is V1 ---[V2]---V3---V4---V5---[J1]---[J2]---J3---J4---C.

To generate the desired immunoglobulin light chain mRNA (V 2 J2 C), the V2 segment and the J2 segment must be brought together by somatic recombination, which involves the deletion of the intervening intronic sequence.

The recombined sequence would look like this:

-----V1 ---[V2]---V3---V4---V5---[J1]---[J2]---J3---J4---C

Note that the brackets indicate the segments that are brought together by somatic recombination to form the final mRNA. The other segments are deleted during this process.

Therefore, the DNA sequence of the light chain locus after somatic recombination would be:

V1 ---[V2]---V3---V4---V5---[J1]---[J2]---J3---J4---C

The exact sequence of the recombine DNA will depend on the specific nucleotide sequences of the V and J segments, which can vary between different individuals and cell types.

For such more question on illustration:


List three limited resources and three non renewable resources.



Nonrenewable Resources


Natural Gas


Nuclear Energy

Metals and Minerals*

Renewable Resources




Geothermal and Biomass

Metals and Minerals*


can someone help me with this problem?


I did on the other one

Which of the following terms identifies a scientific process that results in the creation of an exact copy of an organism?




selective breeding

genetic engineering


The process of generating an exact similar copy of a cell or an organism is referred to as cloning. So option A is correct.

The process of cloning has a wide application in different fields. Cloning is used in the production of vaccines, proteins, and antibiotics. It is also used to produce transgenic animals, and plants that are resistant to pests. Cloning is useful in gene therapy. It is used in the replacement of cells. It is useful in studying the gene structure and function in an organism.

Cloning in bacteria is done by incorporating the gene to be cloned, in the plasmid DNA. As the bacteria replicates the plasmid DNA, several copies of the gene are produced in the cell. The process of cloning varies from one organism to the other.

To learn more about the Cloning, refer to the link:


In a myennated fiber only the initial segment in the
zone has voltage regulated channels??? True or False


Answer: False



In a myelinated fiber, the initial segment of the axon, which is unmyelinated, has voltage-regulated channels that generate action potentials. The myelin sheath insulates the axon and increases the speed of conduction, but it does not have voltage-regulated channels.

what is the definitions for igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks


Igneous rocks are rocks that are created when molten rock or hot lava cools and solidifies.

Sedimentary rocks are the kinds of rocks that develop as a result of the compression and cementation of sediment, which is composed of tiny fragments of rock, minerals, and organic elements.

Metamorphic rock are rocks that are formed by the transformation of pre-existing rocks as a result of intense heat, pressure, and/or chemical changes.


igneous- type of rocks that are formed when molten rock cools to a solid state.    Sedimentary- pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organisms     metamorphic- rocks that have become changed by intense heat or pressure while forming

Based on the cell theory, which of the following is true?

Large organisms have fewer cells than small organisms.
Small organisms have smaller cells than large organisms.
All living things are made of more than one cell.
New cells are produced from old cells



New cells are produced from old cells


According to cell theory, which is a scientific theory first formulated in the mid-nineteenth century, organisms are made up of cells, they are the basic structural/organizational unit of all organisms, and all cells come from pre-existing cells¹. So, out of the options you provided, the statement that is true according to cell theory is: "New cells are produced from old cells."

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/27/2023

(1) Cell theory - Wikipedia.

(2) Cell theory | Definition, History, Importance, Scientists, First ....

(3) Cell Theory - National Geographic Society.

I need your help with this





The formula for gravitational force is:

F = Gm1m2/r^2

where F is the gravitational force, G is the universal gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between their centers. According to this formula, the gravitational force depends on the product of the masses of the two objects. This means that any object that has mass will exert a gravitational force on any other object that has mass. Therefore, the statement is true: everything that has mass exerts a gravitational force on other objects.

7: If the actual length of a chloroplast is 10 um what is the magnification?

Can u solve 6 and 7


The magnification of the of a chloroplast is 500x.

How to calculate magnification?

For question 7, use the formula for magnification:

Magnification = Image size / Actual size

Given the actual length of the chloroplast is 10 μm, rearrange the formula to solve for image size:

Image size = Magnification x Actual size

Image size = Magnification x 10 μm

Let's assume the image size is in micrometers as well.

If the magnification is 500x, then:

Image size = 500 x 10 μm = 5000 μm

Therefore, the magnification for a chloroplast with an actual length of 10 μm at an image size of 5000 μm is 500x.

Find out more on magnification here:


Image transcribed:

6) Look at the picture below and work out the actual size of a plant cell. The magnification used was x40.

7) If the actual length of a chloroplast is 10μm, what is the magnification?

Ciliated cells have tiny hairs on them that are called


Ciliated cells have tiny hairs on them that are called cilia. These cilia are hair-like structures that extend from the surface of the cell and are capable of rhythmic movements. The movement of cilia is important in various biological processes such as the movement of mucus in the respiratory tract, the movement of eggs in the female reproductive system, and the movement of sperm in the male reproductive system.







B.) 4


Fe is for iron

H is for hydrogen
C is for carbon

O is for oxygen.

Explain how has technology evolves, frantic expert testimony will evolve as well.


As technology evolves, it is likely that expert testimony will evolve as well. With new technologies come new methods of gathering and analyzing evidence, which can have a significant impact on the way that expert testimony is presented in court. For example, advances in DNA analysis have revolutionized the field of forensics, allowing for more accurate and reliable identification of suspects in criminal cases. As a result, expert witnesses in criminal cases may be called upon to testify about DNA evidence, how it was collected and analyzed, and what it reveals about the case at hand.

Similarly, as new technologies emerge, expert witnesses may be called upon to provide testimony about their use and limitations. For example, in cases involving autonomous vehicles, experts may be called upon to testify about the technology used in these vehicles, how it works, and what its limitations are. This type of testimony can be crucial in helping judges and juries understand complex technologies and their impact on the case at hand.

Overall, as technology continues to evolve, it is likely that expert testimony will become increasingly important in legal cases. Expert witnesses will be called upon to provide testimony about new technologies, how they work, and what their limitations are. This type of testimony can be crucial in helping judges and juries make informed decisions based on the evidence presented in court.
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