How does a closed system like a nuclear submarine differ from our terrarium?


Answer 1
A closed system like a nuclear submarine differs from a terrarium in a few key ways.

Firstly, a nuclear submarine is designed to be completely self-sufficient and operate autonomously for extended periods of time without any external inputs. This means that it must generate its own power, produce its own oxygen, and recycle its own waste. In contrast, a terrarium is typically an enclosed ecosystem that requires external inputs such as light and water to sustain the plants and animals inside.

Secondly, a nuclear submarine is designed to be isolated from the external environment in order to maintain its stealth and security. This means that it is equipped with advanced technology to detect and deter potential threats from the outside world. In contrast, a terrarium is designed to allow the exchange of air and other materials between the inside and outside environment, so that the plants and animals inside can thrive.

Finally, a nuclear submarine is designed for a specific purpose, such as conducting military operations or scientific research, and is operated by a highly trained crew with specialized skills. In contrast, a terrarium is typically designed for aesthetic or educational purposes and can be maintained by people with a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels.

Related Questions

What percent of Oregon’s forest has been lost in the last four centuries 


In Oregon, over the past four centuries, the amount of forest in the state has remained fairly constant, with about 1 percent having been lost to human development.

What is deforestation?

Deforestation is the removal of trees and forests from a particular area, whether for commercial or personal use. Deforestation can occur for various reasons, including agriculture, logging, mining, urbanization, and natural disasters.

Deforestation has numerous negative environmental impacts, such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. It can also have adverse effects on human societies, including the displacement of indigenous people and the destruction of their cultural and economic systems.

Oregon has approximately 30.4 million acres of forest land, accounting for 47% of the state's total land area and has lost about 1% to deforestation.

Learn more about deforestation at:


Which list of ordered pairs would form a parallelogram when connected by the line segments


According to the information, the correct answer is: (1, 5), (3, 2), (3, –2), (–2, –3)

Which list of ordered pairs would form a parallelogram?

To determine if a set of ordered pairs forms a parallelogram, we need to check if the opposite sides are parallel and of equal length.

For the first set of ordered pairs, we can see that the line segment connecting (1, 5) to (3, 2) is parallel to the line segment connecting (3, -2) to (-2, -3). Moreover, the distance between these two line segments is the same. Therefore, this set of ordered pairs forms a parallelogram.

For the second set of ordered pairs, we can see that the line segment connecting (-2, 2) to (-5, -2) is parallel to the line segment connecting (-4, -5) to (-1, -1). However, the distance between these two line segments is not the same. Therefore, this set of ordered pairs does not form a parallelogram.

For the third set of ordered pairs, we can see that the line segment connecting (3, 2) to (5, -2) is not parallel to the line segment connecting (-3, -2) to (-1, 2). Therefore, this set of ordered pairs does not form a parallelogram.

For the fourth set of ordered pairs, we can see that all the ordered pairs are the same, which means that we only have one point. Therefore, this set of ordered pairs does not form a parallelogram.

Learn more about parallelograms in:


Describe how Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion is seen on a daily basis at home?


Riding your bicycle is a good example of this law of motion at work. Your bicycle is the mass. Your leg muscles pushing pushing on the pedals of your bicycle is the force.

The table below summarizes the main energy resources used to generate electricity in three different states—Idaho, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

State Coal Petroleum Natural Gas Nuclear Hydro Renewables
Idaho 1% 1% 16% 0% 77% 6%
Rhode Island 0% 1% 98% 1% 1% 6%
Vermont 0% 1% 1% 76% 16% 7%
U.S. Total 51% 3% 17% 21% 66% 2%

Considering the information in the table, which of the following statements is true?
On average, the rest of the U.S. uses more natural gas to generate its electricity than Rhode Island.
On average, Rhode Island generates much more of its electricity from nuclear materials than the rest of the U.S.
On average, the rest of the U.S. uses much more coal than Idaho, Rhode Island, and Vermont to generate electricity.
Most of the coal-derived electrical energy used by the rest of the U.S. is generated in Idaho, Rhode Island, and Vermont.




the answer is c because the percents for the specific states in the question correspond with this answer which makes the most sense.

The awnser is C because the US uses more coal than any other place in the world that’s why the climate control is so bad

What combination of processes can transform a metamorphic rock to sediments?
erosion, crystallization, and melting
heating, pressure, and lithification
melting, crystallization, and compaction
exposure, weathering, and erosion


Option D Exposure, weathering, and erosion is the correct answer. It is the combination of processes that can transform a metamorphic rock into sediments.

Metamorphic rocks are shaped by the change of pre-existing rocks (molten, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks) through warm, pressure, and/or chemical forms. To convert a metamorphic rock to sediments, the rock ought to be uncovered to the surface and experience weathering and disintegration forms.

Exposure alludes to the method of bringing the transformative rock to the Earth's surface. This could happen through structural elevations, disintegration of overlying rocks, or volcanic action. Once the rock is uncovered, weathering processes break down the rock into littler parts or sediments. This may happen through physical or chemical weathering, such as the activity of water, wind, ice, or chemical responses with air or water.

To learn more about metamorphic rock,


Select all the correct answers.
Which organs perform both mechanical digestion and chemical digestion of food?

small intestine


Answer: Mouth and Stomach are the correct answers.

Explanation: Chemical and mechanical digestion are the two methods your body uses to break down foods. Mechanical digestion involves physical movement to make foods smaller. Chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.

Mechanical digestion begins in your mouth with chewing, then moves to churn in the stomach and segmentation in the small intestine. Chemical digestion involves the secretions of enzymes throughout your digestive tract.

Once food particles reach your small intestine, the intestines continue to move. This helps keep food particles moving and exposes more of them to digestive enzymes. These movements also help to move the digested food toward the large intestine for eventual excretion.

To learn more about the Organs which perform the digestion of food,

Leaf cutter ants spend their day harvesting leaves and bringing them back to the hive however those ants do not eat leaves but feed them to a fungus that lives and thrives only in the Leaf cutter ant nest the ants feed this fungus to their larvae this relationship is an example of



the fungus acts as a food source for the ants' larvae.

Marine iguanas are large lizards that live in the Galápagos Islands. They feed on algae growing on rocks at the edge of the sea. When an El Niño event occurs, the sea around the islands becomes warmer, and the algae do not grow as rapidly as they do during typical temperatures. Scientists studied the relationship between the size of male iguanas on one of the Galápagos Islands and their survival during typical temperatures or during and El Niño event. The data are shown in the graph. Based on the data, identify which size make iguanas are most affected by an El Niño event and explain the most likely cause for this size of male iguana to be affected more than other sizes.


1. The larger male Iguana are most affected by the El Nino event since it is only those above 36 cm had a massive decline in population.

2. The most likely cause of why the larger males were more affected by the El Niño event is their inability to meet their food or body requirment.  Larger iguanas need more algae to sustain their body size and maintain their metabolism. When an El Niño event occurs, the reduced algae growth makes it difficult for these larger iguanas to find enough food.

What is El Nino event?

El Niño happens around the Pacific Ocean area. It is known to happen  every two to seven years.

When an El Niño event happens the normal trade winds is reversed. This can cause warm water to move towards the eastern Pacific.

El Niño events can also affect ocean currents and marine life. The event can lead to fishery reduction and coral bleaching.

Find more exercise on El Niño event;


what is gastulaton stage in development of a chick?



Gastrulation is an early stage in embryo development in which the blastula re-organizes into the three germ layers : the ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm.


hope this helps:) !!!!!

List and describe 5 evidence of evolution



Five types of evidence for evolution are discussed in this section: ancient organism remains, fossil layers, similarities among organisms alive today, similarities in DNA, and similarities of embryos

Here are five pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution:

1. Fossil evidence: Fossils are the remains or traces of once-living organisms that have been preserved in rock. The fossil record provides evidence of the evolution of life on Earth, showing the progression of organisms over time and the emergence of new species.

2. Homologous structures: Homologous structures are anatomical features that are similar in different species because they share a common ancestor. For example, the forelimbs of mammals, birds, and reptiles have the same basic structure, even though they have different functions.

3. DNA and molecular evidence: All living organisms share a common genetic code, and similarities in DNA and other molecules can provide evidence of evolutionary relationships between organisms. For example, the more closely related two species are, the more similar their DNA sequences are likely to be.

4. Biogeography: Biogeography is the study of the distribution of species across geographic space and time. Biogeographical patterns can provide evidence of common ancestry and evolutionary history, as well as the impact of geography and climate on the evolution and distribution of species.

5. Observations of natural selection: Natural selection is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to their offspring. Observations of natural selection in action, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, provide direct evidence of the process of evolution and how it can lead to the emergence of new traits and species over time.

From the presentation, choose an example of an environmental justice issue that impacts workers or communities. Explain what the issue is, and how modern agriculture is contributing to it.



Environmental justice issues and examples include inadequate access to healthy food, inadequate transportation, air and water pollution, and unsafe homes.

Please help :(

I’m not sure



Porque los niños no van a las escuelas

de Puerto Rico.

- Explain how many ancient and medieval societies forwarded marine science even though
they were not specifically addressing issues in marine science.


Many ancient and medieval societies forwarded marine science even though they were not specifically addressing issues in marine science because marine environments were an important part of their daily lives, economies, and cultures, and they relied on the sea for transportation, trade, food, and warfare.

Marine science is a multidisciplinary field that studies the oceans and marine life, and includes disciplines such as oceanography, marine biology, and marine geology. While modern marine science is a relatively recent field, many ancient and medieval societies had a deep knowledge and understanding of marine environments, based on their experiences and interactions with the sea.

For example, ancient civilizations such as the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans were skilled seafarers, traders, and fishermen, and developed advanced shipbuilding, navigation, and fishing techniques. They also had knowledge of marine flora and fauna, and used them for medicinal, culinary, and ritual purposes. Similarly, medieval societies such as the Vikings, Arabs, and Chinese explored and traded across the seas, and contributed to the development of cartography, astronomy, and mathematics.

Therefore, even though they were not specifically addressing issues in marine science, these societies made significant contributions to our understanding of the sea and its importance for human societies.

To learn more about marine science, here


Which of the following statements regarding lipid bilayer is true?
A. The lipid bilayer is flexible and are not able to bend.
B. The hydrophobic molecules are polar and form favorable interactions with water.
C. A typical membrane lipid molecule has a hydrophilic head and are amphoteric.
D. The membrane phospholipids are nonmotile.
The most abundant lipids in cell membranes are phospholipids.


The true statement regarding lipid bilayer is E. The most abundant lipids in cell membranes are phospholipids. The lipid bilayer is made up of two layers of phospholipid molecules, with the hydrophilic heads facing outward and the hydrophobic tails facing inward. This structure provides a barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment, while also allowing for the selective transport of molecules across the membrane.

Will give brainliest. I need help with this project please!

For this activity, you will design and describe a new outer planet. You must answer a series of questions and describe your planet in detail. Once all questions have been answered, you will create a scientific journal entry from the point of view of another astronomer discovering your planet. This journal entry must include all of the answers to the questions, but should be written as if these details are being discovered for the first time.

1. How many AU is your planet from the Sun?
2. Does your planet have a solid surface or is it a gas giant? If it has a solid surface, give the details.
3. Describe the atmosphere.
4. Describe the color(s).
5. Does your planet have rings? If so, are they massive like Saturn’s or almost unnoticeable like Jupiter’s?
6. Does your planet have any moon? If so, how many?
7. How many degrees does your planet tilt?
8. What is the diameter of your planet (in miles)?
9. How long is one full rotation of your planet? (in minutes, hours, Earth days, or Earth years)?
10. How long does it take for your planet to complete an orbit around the Sun (in Earth years)?

Step 2: Write a Scientific Journal Entry
Now it’s time to “discover” your planet! Use your answers to the questions in Step 1 to help you describe the planet in detail. They do not have to be described in the same order as the questions were listed; they can be mixed up to reflect how an astronomer might slowly learn about a planet’s components and aspects. As this journal entry is written from the point of view of the “discoverer” of the planet, you must include the name of the planet and explain why you chose that name. Your journal entry must be at least two paragraphs long.

Your answers to the 10 questions (step 1)
Your journal entry describing your “discovery” (step 2)
You must include the name of your planet and explain why you chose that name
Your journal entry must be at least two paragraphs long



1. My planet is located 15.6 AU from the Sun, making it one of the farthest planets in our solar system.

2. My planet is a gas giant, similar to Jupiter and Saturn. It has no solid surface, but rather a thick atmosphere that extends for thousands of kilometers.

3. The atmosphere of my planet is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor. The upper atmosphere is extremely cold, reaching temperatures as low as -200°C, while the lower atmosphere is warmer due to the pressure of the gases.

4. The color of my planet is a deep blue, similar to that of Neptune. This is due to the absorption of red light by methane in the atmosphere.

5. Yes, my planet has rings, but they are much smaller and fainter than Saturn's rings. They are made up of ice and dust particles and are only visible through powerful telescopes.

6. My planet has 27 moons, ranging in size from small irregularly shaped rocks to large, spherical objects like our Moon. The largest moon is named after the planet itself, and is called "Xolotl".

7. My planet has a tilt of 32 degrees, causing it to experience seasons similar to Earth.

8. The diameter of my planet is 90,000 miles, making it slightly larger than Jupiter.

9. One full rotation of my planet takes 10 hours and 45 minutes.

10. It takes my planet 165 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Journal Entry:

Today, I am excited to announce the discovery of a new planet in our solar system, which I have named "Tlaloc". Tlaloc is a gas giant located 15.6 AU from the Sun, making it one of the farthest planets in our system. Its atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor. The upper atmosphere is extremely cold, reaching temperatures as low as -200°C, while the lower atmosphere is warmer due to the pressure of the gases. One of the most striking features of Tlaloc is its deep blue color, caused by the absorption of red light by methane in the atmosphere. It also has a system of faint rings made up of ice and dust particles, and a total of 27 moons, the largest of which is named "Xolotl". With a diameter of 90,000 miles, Tlaloc is slightly larger than Jupiter and has a tilt of 32 degrees, causing it to experience seasons similar to Earth. It takes Tlaloc 165 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun, and one full rotation takes 10 hours and 45 minutes. I chose to name this planet Tlaloc after the Aztec god of rain and water, as I felt that the blue color of the planet and the presence of water vapor in its atmosphere were fitting of this name. Tlaloc is a fascinating planet that will undoubtedly provide a wealth of information for future studies, and I am excited to see what new discoveries will come from its exploration.

What is a riparian zone?
A. A zone of vegetation that borders a stream or river
B. A river that is man made
C. A river basin that flows into the ocean
D. None of the above



I believe it is, A) a zone of vegetation that borders a stream or river.

Help me please ok it will help me



25,000 Or C


Please don’t give me more than 5 point I like to help

(a) What is the definition of a motor unit? (b) What is the structural and functional difference between a large motor unit and a small motor unit? Can you give an example of each? (c) Why is the neurotransmitter acetylcholine degraded after binding to its receptor?



Explanation: A. motor units, defined as a motoneuron and all of its associated muscle fibers

B. Small α motor neurons innervate relatively few muscle fibers and form motor units that generate small forces, whereas large motor neurons innervate larger, more powerful motor units.

C. no excess of acetylcholine remains in the synaptic cleft to cause the continuous activation of receptors

Please give me a brainly.......

Who answer all the questions correctly i will mark brainlist


1-compare and contrast the first quarter moon and the third quarter moon.what causes theese moon shapes to look diffrent to an observer on earth

2-at the 1 and 3 quarter phases.the moon's shape appears as a half circle. Why do you think theese phases are called quarter phases and not half phases

3-one luanar cycle includes all the lunar phases and is about one month long.use evidence to describe how the motions of the moon lead to lunar phases that occur in a lunar cycle



1. The first quarter moon and the third quarter moon are both phases of the moon that occur when the moon is at a 90-degree angle with respect to the Earth and the Sun. The first quarter moon occurs when the moon is one-quarter of the way through its orbit, while the third quarter moon occurs when the moon is three-quarters of the way through its orbit. The main difference between these two phases is the amount of illumination visible from Earth. During the first quarter moon, the right half of the moon is illuminated, while during the third quarter moon, the left half of the moon is illuminated. This difference in illumination is due to the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. The phases of the moon are caused by the changing angles between these three celestial bodies as the moon orbits the Earth.

2. The first quarter moon and the third quarter moon appear as half circles to an observer on Earth. These phases are called quarter phases because they represent the respective fraction of the Moon's orbit that has been completed since the new moon. The first quarter moon occurs when the Moon has completed one-quarter of its orbit around the Earth, while the third quarter moon occurs when the Moon has completed three-quarters of its orbit. During these phases, half of the Moon's face is illuminated by the Sun, and the other half is in shadow. Therefore, the first quarter moon and the third quarter moon are called quarter phases because they represent the fraction of the Moon's orbit that has been completed, not because they appear as quarter circles to an observer on Earth.

3. The motions of the Moon lead to the lunar phases that occur in a lunar cycle. The Moon orbits the Earth once every 27.3 days, which is called a sidereal month. However, according to the Institute of Physics, in their article about the phases and orbits of the moon, it takes about 29.5 days for the Moon to complete a full cycle of phases, which is called a synodic month. This is because the Earth is also moving in its orbit around the Sun, so the Moon has to travel a little farther to return to the same phase. Openstax added that as the Moon orbits the Earth, the amount of sunlight that falls on its surface changes, causing the Moon to appear to change shape from our perspective on Earth. EarthSky suggested that the phases of the Moon are caused by the changing angles between the Earth, Moon, and Sun as the Moon orbits the Earth. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, we see the new moon phase. As the Moon moves in its orbit, we see the waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent phases, in that order, according to NASA.


The First Quarter Moon rises around midday and sets around midnight. This is the opposite of a Third Quarter Moon, which rises in the middle of the night and sets in the middle of the day


come up with a good question connected to an area of concern regarding food waste


What are some practical solutions that can be implemented to reduce food waste in the food service industry, and how can these solutions be effectively communicated to consumers to encourage more sustainable practices?


Two fruit fly parents have 8 chromosomes each. They sexually reproduce and make offspring. Which statement best explains how their offspring inherits their genes?

The offspring receives 4 chromosomes from the sperm and 4 chromosomes from the egg.

The offspring receives 8 chromosomes from the sperm 8 from the egg.

The offspring receives all 8 chromosomes from a single parent.

The offspring receives 4 chromosomes from one parent, and they double to 8 chromosomes during growth.


Answer: Two fruit fly parents have 8 chromosomes each. They sexually reproduce and make offspring. Which statement best explains how their offspring inherits their genes?

Explanation:The offspring of the fruit fly parents inherit their genes through a process called meiosis, which involves the formation of gametes (sex cells) with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cells. During meiosis, the chromosomes in the parent cells undergo genetic recombination and segregation, resulting in gametes with unique combinations of genes from both parents.When the two gametes (sperm and egg) from the fruit fly parents fuse during fertilization, the resulting zygote inherits a combination of chromosomes from both parents, which determines the genetic makeup of the offspring. Each chromosome contains multiple genes, which are segments of DNA that carry the instructions for specific traits or characteristics. The combination of genes inherited from both parents determines the traits, characteristics, and genetic traits of the offspring.In the case of fruit flies with 8 chromosomes, the offspring would also have 8 chromosomes, with a unique combination of genes inherited from both parents. This genetic diversity through sexual reproduction allows for genetic variation within populations, which can contribute to evolution and adaptation to changing environments. However, it's important to note that specific patterns of inheritance, such as dominant and recessive traits, can also come into play, depending on the genes involved. The inheritance of genes and traits in offspring is a complex process influenced by multiple factors, including genetic recombination, segregation, and inheritance patterns. So, the statement that best explains how the offspring inherit their genes from fruit fly parents is through meiosis, genetic recombination, and segregation during sexual reproduction.

Part b course activity adaptations in a change environment


Please provide more details about the assignment so that a helpful answer can be provided.

When answering questions on the Brainly platform, it is important to always be factually accurate, professional, and friendly.

Additionally, it is important to be concise and provide only the necessary details to answer the question

. Irrelevant parts of the question should be ignored and typos should be corrected if they do not impact the meaning of the question.

To answer the specific question about Part B of a course activity related to adaptations in a changing environment, more information about the activity is needed.

To learn more about : assignment


Draw a model showing what would happen if poison blocked our cell ability to make tRNA (Specifically draw a model) ​



Here is a model showing what would happen if poison blocked our cell ability to make tRNA:

[Image of a cell with a large red X over the tRNA]

tRNA is a type of RNA that is involved in protein synthesis. It helps to carry amino acids to the ribosome, where they are assembled into proteins. If poison blocked our cell ability to make tRNA, it would prevent us from making proteins. This would lead to a variety of health problems, including:

* Muscle weakness

* Weight loss

* Fatigue

* Hair loss

* Skin problems

* Infections

* Death

In severe cases, blocking tRNA production can be fatal.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how tRNA works:

When a cell needs to make a protein, it first reads the DNA code for that protein. This code is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA is then translated into a protein by the ribosome.

The ribosome reads the mRNA codon by codon. Each codon is a sequence of three nucleotides that codes for an amino acid. The ribosome uses tRNA to bring the correct amino acid to the ribosome for each codon.

The tRNA molecule has an anticodon that matches the codon on the mRNA. The anticodon is a sequence of three nucleotides that is complementary to the codon on the mRNA.

The tRNA molecule binds to the ribosome at the codon that it matches. The amino acid that is attached to the tRNA is then added to the growing protein chain.

This process continues until all of the codons on the mRNA have been translated. The ribosome then releases the protein chain.

If poison blocked our cell ability to make tRNA, it would prevent the ribosome from getting the correct amino acids for each codon. This would result in the production of faulty proteins. These faulty proteins could damage the cell or even kill it.

Complete the sentence. Noise pollution

O raises hearing acuity

Oincreases stress hormones

lowers blood pressure

leads to complete deafness



Increases stress hormones


Choice one does not work because noise pollution does not increase hearing acuity, it lessens it.

Choice three does not work because noise pollution is shown to raise blood pressure.

Complete deafness is rare, so I would not choose the last choice.

on lagging strand when DNA polymerase reaches the next okazaki fragment it detaches and moves to the next section of DNA that is primed it continue moving in a 3' to 5' direction and repeats this pattern of detaching and moving to a newly primed section of DNA


The given statement " on lagging strand when DNA polymerase reaches the next okazaki fragment it detaches and moves to the next section of DNA that is primed it continue moving in a 3' to 5' direction and repeats this pattern of detaching and moving to a newly primed section of DNA" is false.

DNA polymerase does not move in a 3' to 5' direction during replication, rather it moves in a 5' to 3' direction. On the lagging strand, DNA polymerase synthesizes short discontinuous fragments called Okazaki fragments in a 5' to 3' direction away from the replication fork. When DNA polymerase reaches the end of one Okazaki fragment and encounters the beginning of the next, it does not detach from the DNA strand, rather it remains bound to the template strand and continues extending the new fragment in a 5' to 3' direction towards the replication fork.

On the leading strand, DNA polymerase moves continuously in a 5' to 3' direction towards the replication fork, without detaching from the template strand. The process of DNA replication involves complex enzymatic reactions, and it is important to understand the correct directionality and mechanisms involved to accurately explain the process.

Therefore, the given statement is false

To learn more about  DNA polymerase  here


The question is incomplete. the complete question is:

On lagging strand when DNA polymerase reaches the next okazaki fragment it detaches and moves to the next section of DNA that is primed it continue moving in a 3' to 5' direction and repeats this pattern of detaching and moving to a newly primed section of DNA . TRUE/ FALSE

Explain the purpose of each of the five (5) tests listed and give the abbreviation used for each one. What is the significance of the test value provided for each of these, and what could this mean for the patient?

Glucose - 135ng/dL
Triglycerides - 40 mg/dL
Uric acid - Male: 8.5 mg/dL
Potassium - 4.0 mEq/L
Hemoglobin - Female:20 g/dL



1. Glucose: A Glucose test measures amount of Sugar or Glucose in the blood. This test helps in the diagnosis of Diabetes. This test is also helpful to the people who are suffering with diabetes. (BG)

2. To be used as energy by the cells. (TGs)

3. Uric acid is a normal body waste product. It forms when chemicals called purines break down. (UA)

4. Potassium is an essential mineral that is needed by all tissues in the body. (K)

5. Hemoglobin (Hb) is the protein contained in red blood cells that is responsible for delivery of oxygen to the tissues.


The parentheses () are abbreviations.

Hope it helped. I included everything except for "what could this mean for the patient?" and "the significance of the test value provided for each of these"

While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed the aquarium plants in distilled water. What
effect will this have on the plants?
1The plants will shrink
2no effect
3The plants will swell
4The plants will divide


The effect of placing saltwater aquarium plants in distilled water would most likely be option 1: the plants will shrink.

Saltwater plants are adapted to living in a saline environment, where they have developed specialized mechanisms to balance water uptake and maintain turgidity. When these plants are transferred to distilled water, which has a lower concentration of dissolved salts, water will move into the plant cells by osmosis.

As a result, the cells will take in more water, causing them to swell initially. However, due to the lack of salts and the disruption of the plant's osmotic balance, the cells will eventually lose water and shrink.

Learn more about osmotic balance, here:


Prescription number
Prescription #1
Prescription #2
Prescription #3
mLs needed of soda mLs needed of solution


The volume of soda solution needed to create 65 ml of 60% soda/syrup prescription is  48.75 ml of the 80% soda solution.

What volume of soda in mL is required to prepare the final solution?

The volume of soda solution needed is determined using the dilution formula:

V₁C₁ = V₂C₂


V₁is the volume of the 80% soda solution,

C₁ is its concentration (80%),

V₂ is the final volume of the 60% soda/syrup prescription (65 ml), and

C₂ is the concentration of the final solution (60%).

Substituting the give values and solving for V₁:

V₁ = V₂C₂/C₁

V₁ = (65 ml x 60%) / 80%

V₁ = 48.75 ml

Learn more about dilution formula at:


Complete question:

According to the eScience Lab Manual for Lab 1, Experiment 3, you need to prepare 65 ml of 60% soda/syrup prescription. To do this you can use the 80% soda solution and the syrup solution (0% strength) that you have in inventory. How many mls of soda solution do you need to create this final solution?

Which of the following distinguishes the main concern over legislation that would make electronic identification systems for livestock mandatory?

The electronic identification systems disrupt the livestock’s neuropathy.

The electronic identification systems are invasive and painful.

The electronic identification systems will not track diseases and contamination.

The electronic identification systems are too expensive for small farms.


As a result, small farmers have opposed the legislation that would make electronic identification systems for livestock mandatory since it would mean additional costs and financial burdens on them.

The legislation that would make electronic identification systems for livestock mandatory has the main concern that the electronic identification systems are too expensive for small farms.What is electronic identification?

Electronic identification is a type of identification that involves using a small device such as a tag or chip that is placed in or on the animal's body for tracking and identification purposes.

Electronic identification systems for livestock have gained popularity over the years as a result of the increased need for tracing animals' movements and origins to safeguard the food supply.

Electronic identification is an efficient way of animal tracking, improving animal welfare and helping to prevent and control animal diseases. However, despite these benefits, electronic identification systems have been met with criticism, particularly regarding their cost and their impact on small farmers.

Small farmers argue that electronic identification systems for livestock are too expensive, which is the main concern over legislation that would make electronic identification systems mandatory.The cost of electronic identification systems is a significant challenge that makes the legislation more challenging for small farmers.

Electronic identification systems' installation and maintenance are not only expensive but also require special skills that most small farmers do not have. Moreover, electronic identification systems require specific electronic readers, which farmers must purchase to read the animals' identification tags or chips.

This extra expense makes the electronic identification systems unaffordable for small farmers.

To learn more about : farmers


Answer: The answer you are looking for is A, or "The electronic identification systems disrupt the livestock’s neuropathy."



What's the best answer to the question is cholesterol important for the function of the cell membrane? Why or why not?

Cholesterol is important for the cell membrane. It is a protein which allows it to sit in the phospholipid bilayer and keeps the layer moving in extreme cold. It can also slow down the movement of the layer in extreme heat. This ability allows membrane transport and osmosis to occur regardless of environmental factors and the cell would die without this ability.

Cholesterol is not important for the cell membrane. It is a sterol which allows it to sit in the phospholipid bilayer and stops the layer from moving in extreme cold. It can also increase the movement of the layer in extreme heat. This sterol has no effect on membrane transport or osmosis regardless of environmental factors and the cell would not die without this ability.

Cholesterol is not important for the cell membrane. It is a protein which allows it to sit in the phospholipid bilayer and keeps the layer moving in extreme cold. It can also slow down the movement of the layer in extreme heat. This protein has no effect on membrane transport or osmosis regardless of environmental factors and the cell would not die without this ability.


The cholesterol is important for the function of the cell membrane because cholesterol is important for the cell membrane. It is a protein which allows it to sit in the phospholipid bilayer and keeps the layer moving in extreme cold.

Cholesterol is any of a class of certain organic molecules called lipids. It is a sterol, a type of lipid. Cholesterol is biosynthesized by all animal cells and is an essential structural component of animal cell membranes.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease.

Learn more about cholesterol:


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