during wwii, depleted nfl rosters forced two teams to play as one under what name?


Answer 1


The merged team was known as the "Phil-Pitt Combine" and played in the 1943 season. The team was made up of players from the Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers due to the shortage of players caused by World War II.


Related Questions

Why are medieval churches fire proof and have better sound


Medieval churches were built to be fireproof and have better sound due to several architectural features.

Firstly, they were constructed with thick stone walls and ceilings, which were difficult to ignite and burn. Stone was also used for the columns and arches in the interior, providing more support and stability.

Additionally, the roofs were made of materials such as clay or slate tiles, which were fire-resistant and did not easily catch fire.

The design of medieval churches also allowed for better acoustics. The high ceilings and large spaces created a natural echo, allowing for the sound to reverberate throughout the building. The use of stone also helped to amplify the sound, while the placement of the choir and organ allowed for a balanced distribution of sound.

These features were not only practical, but they also reflected the religious and cultural values of the time. Fire was seen as a symbol of destruction and hellfire, while stone was associated with strength, stability, and the divine.

The focus on sound quality also reflected the importance of music and liturgy in the religious experience.

To know more about churches refer to-



Which event is best supported by the belief expressed in John O'Sullivan's quote?

a. Xyz affair

b. War of 1812

c. Texas annexation

d. Election of andrew jackson


Texas annexation is best supported by the belief expressed in John O'Sullivan's quote. The correct answer is c.

The belief expressed in John O'Sullivan's quote is the idea of "Manifest Destiny," which held that it was the God-given destiny of the United States to expand westward and spread its ideals and institutions. The quote "Our manifest destiny is to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions" encapsulates this belief.

The Texas annexation was an event that was strongly influenced by the idea of Manifest Destiny. Many Americans saw the annexation of Texas as a way to expand the United States and spread its institutions further west. The annexation of Texas was also controversial, as it led to tensions with Mexico, which still claimed Texas as its own territory.

The XYZ affair was a diplomatic incident between the United States and France in the late 1790s. The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and Great Britain that took place in the early 19th century. The election of Andrew Jackson was a significant political event in the United States, but it was not directly related to the idea of Manifest Destiny.

To learn more about Texas refer here:



In this discussion, you will evaluate whether new nations depend on strong governments to succeed. Take a position on whether strong governments are necessary to ensure stability and prosperity in new nations. Include in your discussions a comparison of the post-war independence movements in African, Asian, and Caribbean countries. Analyze the successes and failures of democratic reform movements in these nations, as well as in Latin America. Be sure to define what makes a government strong, and use at least four examples from the online textbook, lesson, or outside sources to defend your position. Finally, be sure to cite your sources.



In the history books, the countries that lost the war are looked down upon by the countries that won the war

i need help with this​


They expelled the French from Saint-Domingue on January 1, 1804, and proclaimed Haiti—a name derived from the Arawak language—as the sole nation on Hispaniola.

When did the first slave revolt begin?

The objective of this slave insurrection, albeit not the first to take place in the United States, was to liberate the slaves. With the colonization of the "New World," slavery and slave revolts came into existence. The first slave revolt was in 1526 at San Miguel de Gualdape, a Spanish stronghold on the coast of contemporary Georgia.

Louverture entrusted the task of drafting a new Saint-Domingue constitution to a constitutional assembly in March 1801, which was mostly made up of European plantation owners. By passing the Constitution on July 7, 1801, he declared control over the whole island of Hispaniola.

In the Battle of Vertières, which took place on November 18, 1803, he defeated a French force. Dessalines was appointed governor-general by a council of generals following his independence declarations for Haiti and Saint-Domingue on January 1, 1804, and November 29, 1803, respectively.

Caribbean African opposition and an expanding British electorate helped the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 succeed. The British campaign to abolish slavery in the Caribbean peaked between the years 1831 and 1833.

The rebel armies are composed of slaves either now or in the past.The constitution was written by a statesman from the Dominican Republic by the name of Toussaint Louverture.According to Jean Jacques Dessalines, Haiti has achieved independence.The colonial administration abolished slavery.

Learn more about Slavery Abolition Act of 1833: https://brainly.com/question/30675047


Choose one of the following events:

The Cold War
The Truman Doctrine/MarshallPlan/NATO
The Division of Germany
History of Russia starting in 1955 - 1990s
Communist China
Korean War
Vietnam War
Conflict in the Middle East 1980s to 2000s

Then, write a 3 paragraph essay explaining
1) what the event was,
2) the significance of the event at the time it occurred
3) the lasting impact it has had on the world.



I will write about the Cold War.

The Cold War was a state of political and military tension between the Western powers, led by the United States, and the Eastern powers, led by the Soviet Union, that lasted from the end of World War II in 1945 until the early 1990s. The conflict was called the "Cold" War because it never escalated into direct military conflict between the two superpowers. Instead, the two sides engaged in a variety of indirect methods of influencing each other, including espionage, propaganda, and proxy wars.

The significance of the Cold War was immense. It shaped the post-World War II world order and influenced global politics and international relations for decades. The fear of nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union led to a significant arms race, with both sides stockpiling nuclear weapons and building up their military capabilities. This heightened tensions and led to a number of crises, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war in 1962.

The lasting impact of the Cold War can still be felt today. The conflict left a deep imprint on global politics and international relations, as well as on the internal politics of many countries. The US emerged as the dominant global superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, but the legacy of the Cold War can still be seen in the tensions between the US and Russia today. Additionally, the global spread of democracy and capitalism, often seen as a result of the US victory in the Cold War, has led to significant changes in the way many countries are governed and the way global markets operate.

Admiral George Dewey once said, "the office of the President is not such a very difficult one to fill, his duties being mainly to execute the laws of Congress. " Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain why


I agree with this statement because the President, William McKinley doesn't pertain to many abilities other than a figurehead for the nation.

The only American in history to hold the position of Admiral of the Navy is George Dewey. In the Spanish-American War, he is best known for winning the Battle of Manila Bay with just one crewman lost on the American side.

Dewey was elevated to Admiral of the Navy in 1903 as a result of his success at Manila Bay, which was enthusiastically praised in the United States. Dewey considered running for the 1900 Democratic presidential nomination, but he dropped out and backed William McKinley instead.

To learn more about George Dewey here



please help hurry I’ll mark brainly
Assignment below


Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker, saved over 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust. Irena Sendler led a secret network to rescue Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, giving them new identities and hiding spots.

What is the poem  about?

Irena Sendler documented their true identities in buried jars, hoping to reunite families post-war. Irena Sendler and her network rescued Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto from 1940-1943. Irena

Sendler felt compelled to aid Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto due to her compassion and belief in human rights. Irena Sendler and her network snuck children out of the ghetto by hiding them in various objects, like suitcases and coffins, and dressing them up as different people. They also bribed guards and officials and made fake documents for the children.

Learn more about poem  from



In the movie defending your life. what is the goal to achieve in order to move on?


the dead must win a trial on if they are allowed to move on. They face a judge and prosecutor like a real trial


Jonathan Boucher:
Action taken:
Argument against independence:

Lord Dunmore:
Action taken:
Argument against independence:


Benjamin Franklin:
Action taken:
Argument for independence:

Mercy Otis Warren:
Action taken:
Argument for independence:

Samuel Adams:
Action taken:
Argument for independence:

(no need to do "occupation", i just need "action taken" and "argument for independence", "action taken" and "argument for independence" just need one sentence, no need to be so complex, just easy writing.)


The Loyalist and Patriots were instrumental in uniting disparate groups and rallying support for the cause of revolution.

What role did revolution leaders play in revolution?

They were important in planning, organizing and executing the revolution. These leaders were influential figures who were able to articulate a clear vision for change and inspire others to action.


Jonathan Boucher: Anglican minister. He preached against rebellion.Lord Dunmore: Governor of Virginia. He raised loyalist forces and promised freedom to enslaved people who joined him.


Benjamin Franklin: Statesman. He helped draft Declaration of Independence and negotiate French alliance.Mercy Otis Warren: Writer. He published political plays and essays supporting independence.Samuel Adams: Politician and organizer. He helped plan and execute protests, advocated for independence.

Read more about revolution leaders



How has surgery improved 1900-present



Surgery has improved significantly from 1900 to present due to advancements in medical knowledge, technology, and techniques. In the early 1900s, surgery was a risky and often deadly procedure, with a high risk of infection, complications, and mortality. However, several key developments have transformed surgery into a much safer and more effective practice:


Antibiotics: The discovery of antibiotics in the mid-20th century revolutionized surgery by greatly reducing the risk of infection and sepsis.

Anesthesia: The development of safe and effective anesthesia in the late 1800s made it possible to perform surgery without causing unbearable pain to the patient.

Imaging technology: Advances in imaging technology, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI, have made it easier for surgeons to visualize internal organs and structures and to plan and perform surgeries with greater precision and accuracy.

Minimally invasive techniques: The development of minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopy, has reduced the need for large incisions and has minimized scarring, pain, and recovery time.

Robotic surgery: The use of robots in surgery has allowed for even greater precision and accuracy in complex procedures, and has reduced the risk of human error.

Computer-assisted surgery: Computer-assisted surgery has allowed surgeons to plan and simulate procedures in advance, and to use advanced computer systems to guide surgical instruments during the operation.

Overall, these and other advancements have greatly improved the safety, effectiveness, and precision of surgery, making it a much more successful and reliable medical practice than it was in the early 1900s.


Surgery has improved significantly since 1900, due to advances in technology, medical knowledge, and techniques. Prior to the 20th century, surgery was a dangerous and often fatal practice, with high rates of infection and death. The introduction of antiseptic techniques by Joseph Lister in the late 1800s revolutionized surgical practice and greatly reduced the risk of infection. The discovery and use of antibiotics in the mid-20th century further reduced infection rates.

Advances in medical imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI, have also greatly improved surgical outcomes by allowing surgeons to more accurately locate and visualize tumors and other abnormalities before and during surgery.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopy and robotic surgery, have reduced the need for large incisions, shortened recovery times, and decreased the risk of complications.

Overall, the advancements in surgery from 1900 to present have led to safer, more effective, and less invasive procedures, resulting in better patient outcomes and a higher quality of life. Without these advances, surgery would remain a risky and often life-threatening procedure.

when the liberty bell got the large crack in 1835, it was tolling for the death of which famous man?


The large crack in the Liberty Bell in 1835 was tolling for the death of the American Founding Father, John Marshall.

Marshall was the fourth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and served from 1801 to 1835. During his tenure, he was instrumental in making the Supreme Court an independent and powerful branch of the Federal Government.

Marshall helped to establish the principle of Judicial Review, which allowed the court to invalidate laws it deemed to be unconstitutional. He also established the principle of Federal Supremacy, which stated that Federal laws trump State laws. Marshall was a staunch defender of the Constitution and his decisions played a major role in shaping the United States.

To know more about Constitution , click here:



Read both passages.

Passage A: Butterflyfish are a very colorful species. Their vibrant yellow markings make them easy to identify in the sea. These fish are found in various reefs throughout the world. Coral reefs provide the tropical fish with protection from predators, and they are an excellent source of food. Over the past few decades, butterflyfish have been impacted by increased water pollution. Many harmful and toxic substances have entered into bodies of water from land. This includes things like chemicals, garbage, and oil. This impacts the quality and health of the water for marine wildlife. As a result, it can destroy coral reefs. Without the butterflyfish's reef habitat, it is a challenge for them to survive. This is because they are exposed to predators. It is estimated that water pollution will continue to rise, which means many species, not just the butterflyfish, will be at great risk.

Passage B: Over the last few decades, water pollution has been on the rise. Approximately 80 percent of water pollution is caused by human activities on land. Run off, disposal of waste, and oil spills are only a few factors. Ultimately, water pollution compromises the quality of the water. It causes an excess of nutrients in the water, which is very dangerous. This means that many marine ecosystems, like coral reefs, are affected. Coral reefs are diverse ecosystems and home to many types of wildlife. One in particular is the butterflyfish. They are yellow, white, and black and have long snouts. Since coral reefs are being destroyed, it means butterflyfish are losing their habitat. However, it is not just the loss of their habitat that is impacting their population. It is also the quality of the water they are swimming in. As a result, the butterflyfish are dying and are now under threat of extinction.

Select the sentence that best combines information from both passages.

Butterflyfish are at risk due to habitat loss and predators.

Butterflyfish are at risk due to habitat loss and water pollution.

Butterflyfish are at risk due to water pollution and excess nutrients.

Butterflyfish are at risk due to water pollution and oil spills


The statement that most effectively incorporates the information from both paragraphs is "Butterflyfish are at risk due to habitat loss and water pollution."

The quality of the water is compromised by water contamination. It results in a harmful overabundance of nutrients in the water. As a result, several marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, are impacted. Diverse habitats and a haven for numerous animal species may be found on coral reefs. It denotes the habitat loss of butterflyfish.

It is difficult for butterflyfish to thrive without their reef home. This is as a result of their exposure to predators. Numerous species, not just butterflyfish, will face serious threats as a result of the predicted increase in water pollution.

To learn more about water pollution, visit:



describe changes in social roles during this time period


During this time period, social roles underwent significant changes, including increased gender equality, shifting family dynamics, and evolving workplace expectations.

These changes can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, the feminist movement and women's rights campaigns led to more equal opportunities for women in education, the workforce, and politics.

This resulted in a shift in traditional gender roles, with women taking on positions of power and influence outside of the home. Secondly, evolving family dynamics saw an increase in dual-income households and a growing acceptance of diverse family structures, such as single-parent and LGBTQ+ families.

Thirdly, changing workplace expectations contributed to a more diverse workforce, with a focus on collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability. All these factors combined to redefine social roles during this time period, leading to a more inclusive and progressive society.

To know more about gender equality click on below link:



Who procures virtually all water consumed by households?


Public water supplier is community procures virtually all water consumed by households. Option B is correct.

The portion of water use that does not return to the original water source after being taken away is referred to as "water consumption." When water is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation or is incorporated into a product or plant (like a corn stalk) and cannot be used again, this is called consumption.

The water we drink is consumed by the digestion tracts, and coursed all through the body as body liquids like blood. These play a variety of roles in keeping us alive. They remove waste materials, which are then eliminated through urination, in addition to delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Learn more about Water :



Complete question as follow:

Who procures virtually all water consumed by households?

A. Household water levels

B. Public water supplier

C. groundwater

3) If you could choose one executive agency for which to work, which would you choose? What would you like to accomplish?


Defence, Health, and Justice are examples of common executive agencies. Among the objectives are social fairness, national security, technological innovation, and public health.

Depending on their interests and skill sets, individuals may want to think about working for one of the many executive agencies. The Departments of Defence, Health and Human Services, and Justice are some of the most often used executive agencies.

Among the many objectives one may set for themselves when working for an executive agency include things like furthering public health programmes, increasing social justice, creating new technologies or breakthroughs, or attempting to safeguard national security. In the end, the precise organisation and objectives would rely on personal preferences and ideals.

Learn more about national security:



2. How did the Europeans acquire the Africans who were enslaved?



Europeans usually bought enslaved people who were captured in endemic warfare between African states. Some Africans had made a business out of capturing Africans from neighboring ethnic groups or war captives and selling them.


Europeans acquired the Africans who were enslaved by buying them from African traders who captured them in wars or raids.

According to the text, limited government keeps representatives from just making up laws or rules. They are bound by :

a. federal and state constitutions
b. only creating laws that will benefit their lobbyists
c. the president's executive order


Laws limit the powers of the government to avoid abuse so I think the answer is B

Why didn’t truman get congress to officially declare in war


Truman feared the soviets and Chinese were going to expand communism throughout Asia so he acted quickly

How long after abraham lincoln was elected president did south carolina secede from the union?.


3 months. Hope that was helpful!

In the first three chapters, Douglass mentions suffering all of the following struggles EXCEPT:


Douglass mentions going through all of the following problems, excluding the difficulty of adjusting to life as a free man, in the first three chapters. Here option D is the correct answer.

In the first three chapters of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass mentions suffering from various struggles related to his enslavement. These struggles include lack of access to education, separation from family members, and physical abuse and mistreatment. However, he does not explicitly mention the difficulty of adjusting to life as a free man in these chapters.

Instead, in these chapters, Douglass primarily focuses on his experiences of being born into slavery, his relationship with his mother, and the brutal treatment he witnessed and experienced under various slave owners. He also discusses his early attempts to learn how to read and write, which were met with opposition from his owners.

It is worth noting that while Douglass does not discuss the difficulty of adjusting to life as a free man in these chapters, he does touch on this topic later in the narrative. After he escapes from slavery and becomes a free man, he struggles to adapt to a new way of life, finding it difficult to trust people and navigate society as a black man.

To learn more about Douglass



Complete question:

In the first three chapters, Douglass mentions suffering all of the following struggles EXCEPT:

A) Lack of access to education

B) Separation from family members

C) Physical abuse and mistreatment

D) Difficulty adjusting to life as a free man

World War I exposed the__________of the Industrial Revolution



Dark Side


Can anyone make all three of these mnemonics
1. (arms race) The United States and the Soviet Union fought for control of military hardware, creating massive nuclear weapons. In 1951, the Soviet Union created its own atomic weapon.
2. Castro's administration established ties between Cuba and the USSR in 1962, but a group of exiled Cubans attempted an invasion in 1961. Khrushchev attempted to bridge the "missile gap" by stationing Soviet missiles in Cuba, but John Kennedy ordered the evacuation and threatened to strike the Soviet Union.
3. (the western allies) The Berlin Airlift was an effective and well-known operation during the early Cold War. The Soviet Union lifted the blockade in May 1949, allowing capitalist nations to peacefully display their might and wealth. President Truman reported a hydrogen bomb on September 23, 1949, and the Chinese Civil War ended with Mao Zedong's victory.


The statements on the arms race, the Cuban missile crisis and the western allies can be made into mnemonics as shown in the explanation below.

The mnemonics for the statement

Here are three mnemonics for the given statements:

Arms race: Two nations fought for control of hardware, Created nukes, became quite a scare, In 1951, the Soviets made their own, Massive weapons of destruction, known to be shown.

Cuban Missile Crisis: Castro and USSR allied in 1962, Exiled Cubans invaded, tensions grew, Khrushchev bridged the missile gap, Kennedy ordered evacuation, avoided a mishap.

Western Allies: Berlin Airlift, an operation grand, Soviet blockade lifted, a peaceful stand, Truman reported the hydrogen bomb, Mao's victory in Chinese Civil War, did also come.

Learn more on the Cuban missile crisis here https://brainly.com/question/1381815


1- How did these events influence moderate Republican congressmen to become more radical and embrace the reconstruction Acts and the 14th amendment?

2- What was so radical about the 14th amendment, for the time?

3- How did the 14th amendment drastically change the government ( why is the 14th amendment often referred as the second constitution?)


Republican-leaning groups largely believe the government is doing too much, and that everyone has the ability to succeed, obstacles that once made it harder for the Republican government.

The 14th Amendment is a reconstruction amendment that was adopted in 1868 after the Civil War it grants citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and former slaves. redicals led efforts after the war to establish civil rights for former slaves and fully implement processes.

14th Amendment wrote the Declaration of Independence promise of freedom and equality into the Constitution. ratified after the civil war this amendment transformed the Constitution forever and is at the core of a period that many scholars refer to as our nation's second founding.

to know more about the 14th amendment constitution;


Write a essay explaining In what ways has technology changed the workplace of people across the world?


Technology has revolutionized the way people work across the world. With the advent of new technologies, businesses and organizations have been able to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and increase productivity. The impact of technology on the workplace has been significant, and it has affected almost every aspect of work, from communication to collaboration to automation.

One of the most significant ways in which technology has changed the workplace is by enabling remote work. With the rise of the internet and digital connectivity, it has become possible for employees to work from anywhere in the world. This has not only allowed businesses to tap into a global talent pool, but it has also enabled employees to have more flexibility and autonomy in their work. Remote work has also reduced the need for physical office spaces, leading to cost savings and a reduction in carbon emissions.

Another way in which technology has changed the workplace is through automation. The use of machines and software to perform routine tasks has increased efficiency and productivity in many industries. For example, automation has enabled manufacturers to produce goods more quickly and accurately, while also reducing the risk of human error. Automation has also led to the development of new industries, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, which have the potential to change the nature of work in the future.

Communication and collaboration have also been transformed by technology. With the rise of email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, it has become easier for people to communicate and work together across distances. This has facilitated collaboration between individuals and teams in different parts of the world, leading to increased innovation and creativity. The use of collaborative tools such as project management software and shared workspaces has also made it easier for teams to work together on projects, regardless of their physical location.

Technology has also had an impact on the skills and knowledge required for many jobs. As new technologies are developed, employees must continually learn and adapt to keep up with the changing demands of their jobs. This has led to an emphasis on lifelong learning and professional development, as individuals seek to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an ever-changing workplace.

In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on the workplace of people across the world. It has enabled remote work, increased efficiency and productivity through automation, transformed communication and collaboration, and changed the skills and knowledge required for many jobs. While there are certainly challenges associated with these changes, such as the need for retraining and new forms of management, the benefits of technology in the workplace are undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, it will be important for businesses and individuals to adapt and embrace new ways of working in order to stay competitive and successful.

Technology has changed the workplace by enabling global communication, automating tasks, and improving data management.

Technology has significantly transformed the workplace in various ways. Firstly, the advent of computers and the internet has revolutionized communication, enabling instant and global connectivity. This has led to the rise of remote work and collaboration tools, allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world. Secondly, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have streamlined processes and increased productivity.

Tasks that were once done manually can now be automated, freeing up time for more complex and creative work. Technology has enhanced data management and analysis, providing organizations with valuable insights for decision-making and improving efficiency.

Learn more about How technology has changed the workplace here:



Which terms describes the formation of hidden communities to help runaway slaves survive?

A. Cimarron

B. Maroonage

C. Cultural Diffusion

D. Transplantation


Maroonage is a term used to describe the formation of hidden communities to help runaway slaves survive. The correct answer is option b.

This practice was common in the Caribbean and the Americas during the time of slavery. Maroons were communities formed by escaped slaves who fled their owners to live in remote and inaccessible areas, such as mountains or swamps.

These communities provided a safe haven for escaped slaves, where they could live without fear of being recaptured and returned to slavery.

Maroonage was an important aspect of the resistance against slavery, as it allowed slaves to live freely and form their own communities, despite the oppressive system they were living under.

The practice of Maroonage was often accompanied by other forms of resistance, such as sabotage, rebellion, and the creation of secret networks like the Underground Railroad.

The correct answer is option b.

To know more about slaves refer to-



What were some things that worked in the Treaty of Versailles? Answer in 4-5 sentences.


The terms of the treaty required that Germany pay financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies.Oct 7, 2019

21 Constructed Response
How were women reporters treated during World War II? Write 4 or 5 sentences to
explain. Use details from "Women in the Trenches" to support your response.
Select to begin writing.


The treatment of women journalists during World War II was varied. They frequently experienced discrimination from male coworkers and were left out of official press conferences.

What difficulties do female journalists face?

Women journalists encounter a number of obstacles at work and on the job, including unequal employment status, gender-based discrimination in duty assignment, poor working conditions, and susceptibility to violence.

What is the media's harmful impact on women?

Girls' self-esteem has been proven to be negatively impacted by the oversexualization of female roles in popular Hollywood movies, which might lead them to wish to change their bodies to resemble the actresses in films and television. In the media, women and girls are prominently featured.

To know more about World War II visit:-



2 ANALYZING What is meant by, "Resolved, that it is our duty to peril life, liberty, and property, in behalf of the fugitive slave, to as great an extent as we would peril them in behalf of ourselves"?​


The statement expresses the moral duty to risk one's own safety to aid fugitive slaves and peril life, emphasizing fundamental rights for all.

The assertion "Settled, that it is our obligation to danger life, freedom, and property, for benefit of the outlaw slave, to as extraordinary a degree as we would risk them for sake of ourselves" communicates areas of strength for an in the ethical constraint to safeguard the privileges of criminal slaves.

It proposes that people have an obligation to gamble with their own security and prosperity to help the individuals who are looking for independence from bondage.

The expression "risk life, freedom, and property" shows the seriousness of the circumstance looked by criminal slaves, who were frequently pursued down and rebuffed for endeavoring to get away from bondage.

By proposing that one ought to risk their own wellbeing to safeguard the opportunity of others, the assertion features the desperation and significance of the main thing in need of attention.

The correlation between taking a chance with one's security for sake of an outlaw slave versus for benefit of oneself underlines that all people have similar inborn freedoms, no matter what their race or status as a slave.

It proposes that opportunity and freedom are not honors to be delighted in by some and denied to other people, yet rather key privileges that should be safeguarded for all.

Generally speaking, this explanation mirrors the moral and moral contemplations that drove numerous people to become abolitionists and work towards the finish of subjugation. It features that giving up of one's own priorities is important to accomplish civil rights and that the freedoms, all things considered, ought to be safeguarded, no matter what the conditions.

To learn more about peril, refer:



Choose the best word or phrase from the drop-down boxes to complete the paragraph. During the Reagan administration, the unemployment rate briefly . Because unemployment was beginning, some say that Reaganomics was and then mainly at the end of the administration than it was at the at solving unemployment.​


The unemployment rate momentarily decreased under the Reagan administration. Option (A) is appropriate because unemployment has just started.

For more accurate modeling of the impacts of unemployment within the economic system, a few categorizations of unemployment are utilized administration in addition to theories of unemployment. The five primary categories of unemployment are structural, frictional, cyclical, involuntary, and classical.

The focus of structural unemployment is on underlying economic issues and labor market inefficiencies, such as an imbalance between the supply and demand of workers with the requisite skill sets.

Arguments that follow a certain structure focus on the causes and solutions of disruptive technology and globalization.

Learn more about unemployment, from :



Which two factors contributed to the stock market crash?

A. The public panicked after the crash, leading to widespread bank failure.

B. The government raised interest rates shortly before the market crash.

C. Foreign propaganda influenced and provoked American citizens' fears.

D. Too many people lost their investments and savings at one time.

E. Citizens were overly skeptical about buying goods or stocks on credit.



I believe it is B and


D - Many people and businesses invested in stocks and lost all of their money

B -random guess because i feel like the other 2 didn't make total sense in the situation

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