Compare and contrast the ottoman empire, the safavid empire, and the mughal empire. describe at least three ways in which the empires were similar and at least three ways in which the empires were different.


Answer 1

The Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, and the Mughal Empire were powerful empires that emerged in the Islamic world. While each empire had its unique characteristics, there are several similarities and differences between them.


Religion: All three empires were founded by Muslim rulers and promoted Islam as the dominant religion.

Military strength: Each empire had a powerful army that was instrumental in expanding its territory.

Trade: All three empires were involved in trade with Europe, Asia, and Africa, and were important centers of commerce.


Location: The Ottoman Empire was located in modern-day Turkey, while the Safavid Empire was centered in modern-day Iran and the Mughal Empire was based in modern-day India.

Government: The Ottoman Empire was an absolute monarchy, while the Safavid Empire was a theocracy, and the Mughal Empire was a mix of both.

Art and Culture: The Ottoman Empire was known for its calligraphy, miniature painting, and ceramics, while the Safavid Empire was renowned for its carpet weaving and the Mughal Empire was famous for its architecture and miniature paintings.

Military tactics: The Ottomans relied on Janissaries, a slave-soldier class, to expand their empire, while the Safavids and Mughals relied on firearms and cavalry.

Treatment of non-Muslims: While the Ottomans and Mughals had relatively tolerant policies toward non-Muslims, the Safavids enforced strict Shi'a Islam and persecuted Sunni Muslims.

Overall, the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires were similar in their Islamic identity, military prowess, and involvement in trade, but differed in their location, government structure, art and culture, military tactics, and treatment of non-Muslims.

To learn more about Ottoman Empire refer here:


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Aristotle is the first to argue that leisure is the basis of culture (though without using the word ""culture. ""). What example does he give?


According to Aristotle, leisure allows for contemplation or philosophical meditation, which he regards as the greatest form of human activity.

Because it enables individuals to participate in activities beyond merely surviving, Aristotle claims that leisure, or free time, is the basis of civilization. He uses the example of philosophical meditation or contemplation, which he believes to be the pinnacle of human endeavour.

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Learn more about Aristotle:


For years, the french used french guiana for animal experiments​


Yes, it is true that the French used French Guiana for animal experiments for many years.

The tropical rainforest environment and the relative isolation of the territory made it an ideal location for conducting experiments on animals, particularly primates and the French Guiana. However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern over the ethics and necessity of using animals in experiments, and many organizations and governments including the French are working to reduce or eliminate their use.

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A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president is known as which of the following? Select one: O a. Congress O b. Electoral college O c. Assembly O d. Electorate​



B. Electoral College.


The group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president is known as the Electoral College.


electoral college


In a formal paragraph, do you think that wealthier citizens should pay more taxes? Why or why not?



Wealthier citizens should pay more taxes. This is because they have the means to do so, and in so doing, they can contribute more to the public good. By investing more, wealthy citizens can fund public services, such as schools, healthcare, and infrastructure. Moreover, higher taxes on the rich can reduce income inequality. Overall, wealthier citizens should pay more taxes. This is not only necessary to ensure that people contribute their fair share, but it can also reduce income inequality. It can also fund critical public services.


Which people believes in the divine right of king in the reformation and state consolation


Protestant rulers believes in the divine right of king in the reformation and state consolation.

During the Protestant Reformation, the concept of the divine right of kings remained relevant in British Christianity. Throughout this period, belief in divine right enabled Protestant rulers to redefine and maintain authority.

The frontispiece of The Great Bible (1540) depicts God whispering to King Henry VIII and the king relaying God's message to the English people. The monarch has become the conduit through which God's authority flows.

Dr. Munro then introduced the pupils to Divine Command Theory, which our A Level religion and philosophy students study. She also introduced the girls to arguments that contradict Divine Command Theory, which is a vital skill to have while studying religion and philosophy.

To know more about divine right to king:


Why were the 1890’s considered a “decade of crisis?” in the United States?



They decided to do it now (1890s) because it was a decade of crisis. Cities were becoming overpopulated with immigrants and in 1893 there was a failure with the British bank, leading a huge economic depression with loss of jobs and business failures.


What does rustin mean when he says that ending segregation in public
accommodations has not affected the "fundamental conditions" of african american life?


When Bayard Rustin said that ending segregation in public accommodations has not affected the "fundamental conditions" of African American life, he meant that the legal changes made during the Civil Rights Movement did not necessarily result in broader social and economic changes for Black Americans.

Despite the legal victories, Black Americans continued to face systemic racism and discrimination in various aspects of their lives, such as housing, education, employment, and voting rights. Rustin believed that true progress would only come when these fundamental conditions were addressed and changed.

Rustin was pointing out that desegregating lunch counters and buses did not change the underlying economic and social disparities faced by Black Americans, such as poverty, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, and discrimination in the workplace.

He was advocating for a more comprehensive approach to civil rights, one that would address these underlying issues and work towards achieving economic and social justice for all Americans.

To know more about Civil Rights refer to-


3.) Which image (Revere or Bufford) represents this account? Give details from the picture that prove your point.​


There’s no picture in this question

What were the causes for the empty treasure of France under Louis XIV? Assess any three causes.


The causes for the empty treasure of France under Louis XIV are Wars and Military Spending; Costly Court Life and Inefficient Taxation.

Louis XIV was a highly militaristic ruler who was constantly engaged in wars and military campaigns to expand his empire and protect his interests. These wars were extremely costly and required significant resources, which put a great deal of strain on the royal treasury.

Louis XIV's lavish court at Versailles was a center of luxury, extravagance, and opulence. The courtiers and nobles of France were expected to maintain a certain level of wealth and status.

Learn more about Louis XIV here:


Japan built thousands of miles of railroad and factories. They began building warships and had over 500,000 well-trained, well-armed soldiers. Both of which are examples of?

Socialism & Critical Theory

Democracy & Libertarianism

Socialism & Diplomacy

Industrialization & Empire Building


The examples of Japan building thousands of miles of railroad and factories, as well as having well-trained and well-armed soldiers, can be best described as Industrialization & Empire Building. Hence the correct answer is option D.

Industrialization refers to the process of transforming an economy from one based on agriculture to one that is centered on manufacturing and other industries. In the case of Japan, this involved building railroads, factories, and producing warships, which allowed for faster transportation, increased production, and a stronger military. Empire Building refers to a nation's efforts to expand its territory and influence through various means, including military conquest and colonization. In Japan's case, having a well-trained and well-armed military of over 500,000 soldiers allowed them to pursue their imperial ambitions and establish dominance in the region. While Socialism and Critical Theory may play a role in analyzing and understanding the broader context and implications of these historical events, they do not directly describe the phenomena of industrialization and empire building that are exemplified by Japan's actions in this scenario. So the correct answer is option D.

know more about Japan here:


Why was King Philip II not successful in bringing England back to Catholicism when he married Mary Tudor?


King Philip II of Spain married Mary Tudor, the Queen of England, in 1554 with the aim of bringing England back to Catholicism. However, despite his efforts, he was not successful in his mission for a number of reasons.

Opposition from English Nobles: Many English nobles were opposed to the marriage, and feared that it would lead to a loss of English sovereignty to Spain. They also feared that Philip would try to impose Catholicism on the country, which was deeply unpopular with the majority of the English population.

Popular Resistance: Many ordinary English people were deeply committed to Protestantism, and were resistant to attempts to reintroduce Catholicism. This was especially true in the towns and cities, where Protestantism was strongest.

Mary's Death: Mary Tudor died in 1558, just four years after the marriage, and was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I, who was a Protestant. Elizabeth reversed many of Mary's Catholic policies, and introduced a new Act of Supremacy which made her the head of the Church of England. This meant that even if Philip had succeeded in reintroducing Catholicism during Mary's reign, it would have been short-lived.

Political Instability: England was facing a period of political instability during the reign of Mary Tudor, with many Catholic and Protestant factions vying for power. This made it difficult for Philip to implement any lasting changes.

Overall, King Philip II's attempts to bring England back to Catholicism were thwarted by political, social, and religious factors that made it difficult for him to impose his will on the English people.

Write a paragraph explaining how the advantages of a corporation led to the rise of big business and monopolies during the Industrial Revolution. Consider investors forming corporations and threats to competition. Does the cartoon below show any bias toward corporations and the changes during the Industrial revolution? Looking at the chart, do you think forming a corporation has any disadvantages? By looking at the cartoon, can you tell if big-business monopolies have any positives?


During the Industrial Revolution, corporations played a crucial role in the rise of big business and monopolies.

What is brief history?

By pooling resources and forming corporations, investors gained limited liability and were able to raise large amounts of capital. This allowed corporations to rapidly expand and acquire smaller competitors, leading to the consolidation of entire industries.

However, this also posed a significant threat to competition as smaller businesses were often unable to compete with the resources and economies of scale of larger corporations. While the cartoon below depicts corporations in a positive light, it fails to acknowledge the negative impacts of their rise during this time.

Although forming a corporation has many advantages, such as raising capital and limiting liability, it can also lead to shareholder disagreements and prioritize short-term profits over long-term sustainability. Big-business monopolies may have some positives, but they also limit competition, which can harm consumers by raising prices and reducing innovation.

To know more about Industrial Revolution related question visit:


In the 5th century b.c.e., which two forms of government alternated back and forth? ancient greece


Answer: In the 5th century BCE, the two forms of government that alternated back and forth in Ancient Greece were democracy and oligarchy.

Which motive best completes the list?

O European governments supported expansion to reduce government spending.

O European countries wanted to spread their culture and civilize Africa and Asia.

O European nations could reclaim territory lost during the American Revolution.

O European expansion policies preserved traditional African and Asian cultures


The motive that best completes the list is:

European countries wanted to spread their culture and civilize Africa and Asia.

This motive is often referred to as the "civilizing mission" or "white man's burden" and was a common justification used by European imperial powers to justify their expansion into Africa and Asia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The idea was that Europeans had a moral obligation to bring their superior culture and civilization to the "uncivilized" peoples of the world. While this motive was often couched in benevolent terms, the reality was that European expansionism had significant negative impacts on the cultures, economies, and political systems of the regions they colonized.


What are some reasons that Genghis Khan was not as influential as people think?



HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF AS MANY AS 40 MILLION PEOPLE. lifetime, and scholars estimate that he may have killed a full three-fourths of modern-day Iran's population during his war with the Khwarezmid Empire. All told, the Mongols' attacks may have reduced the entire world population by as much as 11 percent.

How many air pollutants has the epa issued rulings on since the ammendments to the clean air act in 1990?.


The EPA has issued rulings on dozens of air pollutants since the amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990.

The Clean Air Act is a federal law in the United States that regulates air emissions from various sources, including industrial plants, vehicles, and other sources. The law was first enacted in 1963 and has been amended several times, most recently in 1990. The amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 strengthened the law and gave the EPA more authority to regulate air pollution.

Since then, the EPA has issued rulings on many different air pollutants, including particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and many others. The agency has also established air quality standards for many of these pollutants, and it regularly monitors air quality across the country to ensure that these standards are being met.

To know more about air pollutants, click here.


Who did the laws formed by the Magna Carta apply to? (4 points)


The laws of the land applied only to the clergy.


The laws of the land applied to the king only.


The laws of the land applied to all the people.


The laws of the land applied only to peasants.

If you can, please just write the correct choice. No explanation is needed. Tysm :)


The laws of the land applied to all the people


C) The laws of the land applied to all the people


Even though I know you asked for no explanation, here it is:

The Magna Carta was signed and said that no one was above the law, meant for the King and its people.  This proves that the Magna Carta was meant for everyone.

Hope this helps :)

If you chose to travel by land, what might be some of your "causes for concern"? "traveling to the gold country"


The "causes for concern" when traveling to the gold country by land during the California Gold Rush include harsh terrain, dangerous weather, lack of supplies, and potential encounters with Native Americans.

If traveling to the gold country by land, there would be several causes for concern. One major concern would be the danger of bandit attacks. The gold rush attracted many people to California, and some of them turned to robbery to make a living. Travelers would need to be wary of being robbed, especially if they were carrying large amounts of gold or other valuable items.

Another concern would be the condition of the roads. Many of the roads to the gold country were unpaved and poorly maintained, making travel slow and difficult. Travelers would need to be prepared for the possibility of getting stuck in mud or encountering other obstacles on the road.

The weather would also be a concern, especially if traveling during the winter months. Snow and ice could make travel treacherous, and travelers would need to be prepared for the possibility of getting stranded in a snowstorm.

Finally, travelers would need to be prepared for the possibility of illness or injury. Medical care was limited in the gold country, and injuries or illnesses could easily become life-threatening if not treated promptly. Travelers would need to bring their own medical supplies and be prepared to take care of themselves in case of illness or injury.

To learn more about California Gold Rush refer here:


In what ways were the tribunes of the plebs especially powerful.


The tribunes of the plebs were especially powerful in ancient Rome because they had the authority to veto any action or legislation taken by other magistrates or the Senate that they deemed harmful to the interests of the plebeian class.

In ancient Rome, the tribunes of the plebs were elected officials who were charged with protecting the interests of the plebeians, who were the common people of Rome. The patricians, who were the wealthy and aristocratic class of Roman society, held most of the political power and often worked to advance their own interests at the expense of the plebeians.

To counterbalance this power imbalance, the tribunes of the plebs were granted a number of powers that made them especially powerful. For example, they had the power of sacrosanctity, which meant that they were considered inviolable and could not be physically harmed or interfered with in the performance of their duties.

To know more about tribunes, click here.


Determine if the following statements are true or false :)



1. True

2. True

3. false

4. true

5. true

6. true

7. false

8. true

9. false

10. false

11. true

12. true

13. true

14. false

15. true

16. true

Question 1: describe toll of the great depression, mentioning at least 3 facts from the document.


The Great Depression was a global economic depression that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.

The inflexibility and timing of the Great Depression differed greatly between countries. The Great Depression was especially prolonged and terrible in the United States and Europe, although it was gentler in Japan and important of Latin America. maybe commonly, the world frugality's worst depression in history was caused by a variety of factors.

Consumer demand declines, fiscal panics, and deceived government programs all contributed to a drop in profitable affair in the United States, while the gold standard, which linked nearly all countries in the world in a network of fixed currency exchange rates, played a crucial part in spreading the American downturn to other countries.

The demise of the gold standard and the coexisting financial reforms backed the recovery from the Great Depression.

To know more about Great depression:


What was Hitler's critique of the republic government? Why did he blame them?

No links



Adolf Hitler's critique of the Weimar Republic government in Germany was that it was weak, corrupt, and ineffective. He believed that the government was responsible for Germany's defeat in World War I and the economic hardships that followed, and he blamed the government for the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed harsh reparations and other penalties on Germany.

Why did the settlers use boycotting as a means of protest against British acts?

1.The British thought boycotts were a foolish response.
2.The settlers had no organized government to send a formal protest.
3.Boycotts would have the most economic effect.
4.Boycotts were a way to stir more violence.




3.Boycotts would have the most economic effect.


The settlers used boycotting as a means of protest against British acts because boycotting would have the most economic effect. By refusing to buy British goods, the colonists were able to hit the British where it hurt, in their pocketbooks. This made the boycotts an effective means of protest, as they put economic pressure on the British government to change its policies. The other options are not accurate: the British did not think boycotts were a foolish response (in fact, they took them very seriously), the colonists did have organized governments that sent formal protests, and boycotts were not a way to stir more violence, but rather a peaceful means of protest.

How did the 18th Century Political Cartoons Reflect Tensions Between Colonists and Great Britain?


Political cartoons played a crucial role in the discussion of colonial concerns in the 18th century, when there was conflict between colonies and Great Britain.

In addition to highlighting society, fashion, and entertainment, the cartoons also addressed other facets of British political life, such as disputes with its colonies and other countries.

The colonists' mounting discontent with British laws like the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts, they perceived as unfair and harsh, was mirrored in the cartoons. The Boston Tea Party and a boycott of British products were two examples of the colonists' opposition to British rule that was also reflected in the cartoons.

As a result, the significance of the 18th Century Political Cartoons Reflect Tensions Between Colonists and Great Britain are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on colonies, here:


What was one possible advantage for Cherokees to resist relocation for so long?

Write your response in two to three complete sentences


One possible advantage for the Cherokees to resist relocation for so long was that it allowed them to maintain their cultural identity, traditions, and social structure. By staying on their ancestral lands, they could preserve their way of life and continue practicing their customs.

Additionally, resisting relocation enabled them to form alliances with other tribes and sympathetic groups, creating a stronger collective voice against the forced removals. This resistance also raised awareness about the unjust treatment of Native American tribes, contributing to a broader dialogue on indigenous rights in the United States.

Therefore, by resisting relocation, the Cherokees were able to protect their cultural and economic interests, while also standing up for their basic human rights.

To know more about Cherokees refer here:


Why was it argued that Imperialism would help get America out of this time of crisis?


Answer: because it would give the US an outlet to market overproduced goods in foreign countries.

Barrett and Roediger (1997) argue that labor market taught new immigrants about the racial hierarchy in the United States. Provide an example of what the authors mean


Barrett and Roediger (1997) argue that labor market taught new immigrants about the racial hierarchy in the United States.

For example, a new immigrant who is looking for a job and gets hired as a manual laborer in a factory or a construction site is likely to encounter racial hierarchies. In such settings, the new immigrant may realize that certain jobs are reserved for specific racial or ethnic groups.

The new immigrant may observe that some jobs, such as managerial or supervisory positions, are only occupied by members of specific racial groups while lower-paying jobs are predominantly occupied by immigrants or people of color.

This realization may also include the wage gap between different racial and ethnic groups in similar positions. In this way, the labor market can serve as a platform for immigrants to learn about the racial hierarchy in the United States.

To know more about labor market refer to-


How did the Great Depression affect other countries around the world? Why is that important?


The Great Depression had far-reaching impacts on countries around the world. The global economic downturn that began in 1929, triggered by the stock market crash in the United States, led to a decline in international trade, falling commodity prices, and rising unemployment in many countries.

Some countries were hit harder than others, with many developing countries experiencing particularly severe economic and social consequences. In many cases, these countries were heavily dependent on exports of raw materials, which suffered sharp declines in demand and prices during the Depression. Many countries also faced food shortages and other humanitarian crises as a result of the economic downturn.

The global nature of the Great Depression is important to understand because it highlights the interconnectedness of the world economy, and the ways in which economic policies and events in one country can have far-reaching consequences for others. It also underscores the importance of international cooperation and coordination in addressing global economic challenges, as well as the need for policies that promote sustainable and equitable economic growth.

in the late 1400s, china led the world in the production of goods such as silk, porcelain, tea, fruit, drugs, cotton, and weapons, all of which europeans desired. however, europe produced few products that the chinese wanted. why did this encourage the european conquest and plunder of the americas?


Answer: The fact that China led the world in the production of valuable goods in the late 1400s but had little demand for European products encouraged European conquest and plunder of the Americas for a few reasons. Firstly, European nations saw the opportunity to acquire vast resources and precious metals from the Americas, which could be traded with China and other Asian countries for desirable goods. Secondly, the lack of products that the Chinese wanted to import from Europe meant that the Europeans had to find new markets to sell their goods and expand their trade networks. Finally, the discovery of the Americas provided a new frontier for European powers to expand their territories and gain power, prestige, and wealth.


What responsibility should powerful
countries feel to support those around



Powerful countries have a responsibility to support those around them in a variety of ways. Here are a few key responsibilities they should feel:

Humanitarian Aid: Powerful countries should provide aid and support to those in need, such as food, water, medical supplies, and shelter during natural disasters or humanitarian crises.

Economic Support: They should help to promote economic development in struggling countries by providing financial aid, supporting trade and investment, and promoting sustainable development.

Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: They should work towards peaceful resolution of conflicts between countries and communities, promote human rights and democracy, and encourage political stability.

Environmental Stewardship: They should help to mitigate environmental damage and promote sustainability through sharing of knowledge and resources, technology transfer, and investing in green technologies.

In summary, powerful countries have a responsibility to use their resources, influence, and expertise to support those around them, whether it be through humanitarian aid, economic support, diplomacy, conflict resolution, or environmental stewardship.

Powerful countries are in a position of immense privilege. With that privilege comes an inherent sense of responsibility to help others. Powerful countries have the resources and means to provide assistance to those in need, both domestically and internationally. They can provide aid and assistance to countries suffering from economic hardships, natural disasters, or political instability. They can also help to build infrastructure, provide access to education, and offer humanitarian assistance. Additionally, powerful countries can use their economic, military, and political influence to help countries in need and support those in vulnerable situations. This may include providing aid and assistance to refugees, helping to alleviate poverty, and providing humanitarian assistance. In doing so, powerful countries can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Ultimately, powerful countries have a moral obligation to use their power and influence to help those around them, both domestically and internationally.

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